The Peterborough Council Shilling

Friday 9th December 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: On yesterday’s show there was a little bit of confusion when we spoke to Council Leader Marco Cereste about that independent report into councillors’ allowances. We’d just like to clarify that the report recommended Councillor Matthew Lee’s Special Responsibility Allowance be reduced from 75% of the Leader’s Allowance to 65% of the Leader’s Allowance. That same report also put forward a recommendation to increase the Leader’s pay by over £4000. That suggestion rejected by Councillor Cereste and the Council. Just want to make that clear, because there was some confusion yesterday.

PAUL STAINTON: Just a quick message, by the way. This is a forum for the people of Peterborough, by text, by phone, by e-mail. however you want to contact us, please do. It is not a forum for one particular councillor to text in with different names, on a number of occasions. I appreciate all the texts that come in, but they will not all get read out if it’s from the same person, even if you are using a different name, councillor. This show’s for the people, alright? Thank you.

PAUL STAINTON: Perhaps the councillors should get their own radio station for councillors. Then they can text in to their own show.