17:18 Thursday 23rd October 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
CHRIS MANN: The President of market research firm YouGov has been speaking in Cambridge today about the forthcoming General Election. Of course it’s in May, just under six months to go. Peter Kellner has been trying to answer the question, who and what will decide the election. A star-studded line-up today at a special conference. Harriet Harman was there, Matthew Parris, John Snow from Channel 4, Adam Boulton from Sky News, David Willetts MP, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, lots of others. But let’s bring in Peter Kellner now and find out what’s been going on. Hello Peter.
PETER KELLNER: Good evening Chris.
CHRIS MANN: Welcome to Cambridge. Just counting down we are now to the General Election. It’s come up quite quickly, hasn’t it?
PETER KELLNER: It has, and you know Chris, normally six months before an election, one has a broad idea what’s likely to happen. In 1997 it was obvious that Labour was going to win. In 2010 it was pretty obvious that Labour was going to be thrown out of office. This time I’ve never gone into an election more uncertain as to what[‘s going to happen. It’s going to be a really tense, and for those who like these things , an exciting few months.
CHRIS MANN: I saw there was a blog today by our local Green candidate, saying that it’s now a five party system in Britain. Of course there’s a little bit of exaggeration there you might say, but things are complicated because the smaller parties are doing better.
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