Guy Dangerfield on Recent Improvements to Train Capacity in the East of England

17:54 Thursday 11th August 2011
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY BURROWS: New statistics from the Office of Rail Regulation have today revealed that rush-hour overcrowding on some trains is worsening. That’s in the South East of the country. But what’s the situation here in Cambridgeshire? We’ve talked lots about increased capacity on services like First Capital Connect. Guy Dangerfield is from Passenger Focus. He may well be on a train right now. Are you packed in like a sardine, Guy Dangerfield?
GUY DANGERFIELD: I’m actually on a bus Andy. But it’s quite busy, so apologies for the background noise.
ANDY BURROWS: What are services like out of Peterborough and Cambridge at the moment? Have people felt the benefit of recently expanded services? Continue reading “Guy Dangerfield on Recent Improvements to Train Capacity in the East of England”