Where Peterborough Council Spent the Money

The next post will be delayed until this evening (edit: make that midnight) due to constant power cuts in Peterborough.

Something to be going on with is a list of all payments made by Peterborough City Council during the year which seems to be 2008/9
Continue reading “Where Peterborough Council Spent the Money”

Use of Consultants: November Update – Playing for Time

Back in March Cllr Fletcher posed a series of questions about who got paid what and when for consultancy services, believed to be up to £12 million a year.
Here is an extract from the Agenda Reports Pack for the upcoming meeting of the Sustainable Growth Scrutiny Committee for 9th November 2010 at 19:30pm. It is an outcome of sorts.
None of these specific questions have been answered in the report, but named councillors have apparently been given access to a great deal of information which they will be required to examine. The answers should be in there somewhere, and we the people must wait for enlightenment until 1st February 2011, maybe longer, but a mighty long time anyhow. But they still haven’t answered the questions.
Continue reading “Use of Consultants: November Update – Playing for Time”

Letter from Mike Fletcher

The following message was received today from Mike Fletcher Chairman of the Sustainable Growth Scrutiny Committee who was reportedly barred by Peterborough City Council Leader Marco Cereste from the Task and Finish Group set up to investigate Peterborough City Council’s use of and spending on consultants.
It is published here as a matter of public interest. Copyright remains with Cllr. Fletcher.


Att:- Adam Uren, ET. New Listener. 27th April 2010.
Continue reading “Letter from Mike Fletcher”

Peterborough City Council and Consultants Part Three – for research purposes only

The relationship between Peterborough City Council and consultants is becoming a cause for concern for some councillors. This page examines the latest announcements.

Continued from Part Two

The following documents all dated 20 October 2009 are in the public domain:

1. Peterborough regulates spend on consultants. Link
2. Realising the benefits of business transformation. Link
3. Creating a value-adding human resources service. Link
4. Transforming the way we work to cut cost and improve performance: . Link


In 2008 Peterborough City Council established a professional services partnership (PSP), to consolidate and regulate its spending on consultancy.
Consultants “landed and expanded”, often taking roles that should be filled internally.
Consultancy was poorly and often non-compliantly procured. Continue reading “Peterborough City Council and Consultants Part Three – for research purposes only”

Peterborough City Council and Consultants – for research purposes only

There has been a certain amount of discussion recently about the amount of money that Peterborough City Council have been spending on consultants.  Probably the best way for the council to answer these questions would be to set out the timescale of their involvement with consultancy firms. No-one wants to criticise unfairly, but ratepayers are entitled to answers where questions arise in the media.

It is possible to discover some information from publicly available documents. Here are some items of interest, or at least relevance: Continue reading “Peterborough City Council and Consultants – for research purposes only”