Young lifeblood wanted in Peterborough

09:28 Monday 10th August 2015
BBC Radio Cambridge

PAUL STAINTON: Let’s bring in Steve Bowyer from Opportunity Peterborough, influential of course in attracting many many of the top restaurants to Peterborough in particular. Steve, it’s a fair point though isn’t it, that these thousands of people that were roaming the streets of Peterborough back in the ’80s, ’70s, ’90s, spending all that money, are we missing out?
STEVE BOWYER: Morning Paul. I don’t think so. I think there’s a really good point there about how city centres have evolved, and that mix and diversity of offer. And I think it is about providing that choice. I think there’s a lot of people been talking about how things are cyclical, and you know we may see nightclubs coming back again. But I think actually things move on, so now we have good music venues, we have good restaurants. Hopefully in Peterborough we’re going to see cinemas soon. The point your last speaker made about university and students is absolutely vital for the city, because that is a young lifeblood.
PAUL STAINTON: How close are we to getting that?
Continue reading “Young lifeblood wanted in Peterborough”

The Vacant Chair

17:20 Monday 21st March 2011
Drivetime BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY BURROWS: Let’s talk about changes at the University of Peterborough, because Peterborough City Council has agreed a deal with Cranfield University in Bedfordshire, to create a, what they’re calling a centre for renewable energy and bio-fuels in Peterborough. So let’s first of all speak to Councillor John Holdich. He’s the Cabinet Member for Education. He joins us now. Good evening to you Councillor. (PAUSE) Hello John Holdich.
JOHN HOLDICH: Hello there.
ANDY BURROWS: Is this happening at the University of Peterborough, or is this a separate development? Let me make sure I’ve got this absolutely clear. Continue reading “The Vacant Chair”

Peterborough News 12th October 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Tuesday 12th October 2010.

Government is expected to end the cap on tuition fees, but University Centre Peterborough have no increase planned.
Full Council will hold a minute’s silence to remember the two entrants who died on the day of the Great Eastern Run.
The Dogsthorpe Eco-Arts Project was destroyed by arsonists in the early hours of Sunday morning.
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Peterborough News 20th August 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Friday 20th August 2010.

The A-Level pass rate in Peterborough is improved, with St John Fisher School, just out of special measures, doing well with a 100% pass rate.
The Italian community in Fletton intend to protest on Sunday against the sudden closure of their church by the Scalabrini Fathers.
The newly-refurbished Cathedral Square will be under the pneumatic drill again next week with further remedial works to be carried out.
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Peterborough News 19th August 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Thursday 19th August 2010.

Norwich and Peterborough Building Society has been told by the Financial Ombudsman that they must compensate an investor for their losses after being advised to invest in Keydata. This is regarded as a test case for 3000+ other investors, but NPBS say this is a provisional judgement.
A-Level results are out today and students will find out if they have the grades they require to attend university, as competition increases for places.
Cambridge University researchers say that low grade kidneys from deceased patients can still be used succesful for transplants, meaning that many on the waiting list could have their operations sooner.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 19th August 2010”

Stay Home and Study in Peterborough

Mark Mabey tells the BBC’s Paul Stainton that University Centre Peterborough has more places available on a wider range of degree courses, and they have a £1500 bursary for local students wishing to study and live at home. Broadcast at 07:11 on Tuesday June 29th 2010 in the Peterborough Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.
Continue reading “Stay Home and Study in Peterborough”

BBC Peterborough March 4th 2010

BBC Radio Peterborough news for Thursday 4th March 2010

Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Ben Stevenson

Topics: Council scraps bulky waste collection subsidy. Mooted water taxis could upset angling community. Stanground College swimming pool will be upgraded. The death of Michael Foot. Former Kings School pupil David Lamy MP attends the launch of University Centre Peterborough. Sleep patterns and the moon. Police showcase captured burglars. World Book Day.

Interviewees: Graham Murphy Peterborough City Cllr. Malcolm Smart Angler. John Holdich Peterborough City Cllr. Paul McDermott University Centre Peterborough. Jessica Alexander Sleep Council. David Seaton Peterborough City Cllr. Marco Cereste Peterborough City Council Leader. Ollie Reed Match Magazine. Neil Sloane Police. Anna Elmore Waterstones.

Brands Mentioned: Match Magazine. Waterstones.
