17:18 Wednesday 16th October 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
[C]HRIS MANN: There are calls for an inquiry into why more and more people are in food poverty. The Trussell Trust which runs the UK’s largest network of food banks says the number of people attending its Cambridge centre has almost doubled over the last twelve months. And according to some today, professional workers who have lost their jobs have started using them. Citizens Advice in Cambridge say the year on year demand for food vouchers has doubled. Earlier I spoke to Dan Crossley from the charity The Food Ethics Council.
DAN CROSSLEY: It’s a very serious issue, food poverty, which is being picked up in the Press, and being picked up in the Press today. There are many many thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people right across the UK, and in other parts of the world too, who are suffering from food poverty. In other words, unable to obtain healthy affordable food.
CHRIS MANN: How has this happened? We’re hearing that one of the areas of concern is that people with jobs can’t afford to feed themselves and their families. How can that be?
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