Tim Ward On Funding An A14 Upgrade

08:18 Friday 11th October 2013
BBC Radio Cambridge

[D]OTTIE MCLEOD: Lots of other councils giving money towards the A14 upgrade. East Cambridgeshire District Council paying £1 million; Huntingdonshire District Council are paying £5 million; Fenland District Council contributing £800,000; Peterborough City Council planning to contribute £1.5 million; Cambridge City Council, the city that the A14 really goes closest to, apart from possibly Huntingdon, they’ve said that their wallets will be staying absolutely closed. Tim Ward joins me. He’s the Executive Councillor for Planning at Cambridge City Council. Tim. It’s a farce, isn’t it, if Peterborough contribute and Cambridge don’t?
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Cambridge city centre access – Council seeks to trim disabled parking provision to make room for bike racks

09:09 Thursday 10th October 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[A]NDIE HARPER: As I mentioned, we’re talking about disabled parking bays this morning. Are there enough in the County? Or maybe there are too many. Are we getting the balance right? In Cambridge the City Council is considering turning some blue badge bays into cycle parking. Councillors discussed it at a meeting this week, but deferred approving the plans so there could be more time for consideration. Well Labour City councillor Gerri Bird was at the meeting, and opposed the move. Gerri, good morning to you.
GERRI BIRD: Good morning Andie.
ANDIE HARPER: So what was up for discussion precisely Gerri?
Continue reading “Cambridge city centre access – Council seeks to trim disabled parking provision to make room for bike racks”

Cambridge 20 Mph Out To Consultation With Cross Party Support

17:07 Monday 13th May 2013
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: Proposals to introduce a 20mph speed limit on Cambridgeshire’s residential streets go out to consultation today. Supporters say it will improve safety on the city’s streets, but there are concerns about who will pay for any engineering work, and whether it will be enforced by police. Amanda Taylor is the new Liberal Democrat County Councillor for the Queen Ediths area, where the 20mph speed limit has already been trialled. (TAPE)
AMANDA TAYLOR: I think it’s important that roads are safe to use, and I would favour a lower speed limit. What the LibDems on the City Council are proposing is 20mph on residential streets. That wouldn’t include the big trunk roads, such as the Ring Road, but it would be residential streets, which is safer for pedestrians as well as cyclists, and probably of some benefit to motorists as well. (LIVE)
CHRIS MANN: We’ll be hearing from the RAC Foundation live in a moment, also from Tim Ward, the LibDem behind the scheme, and the Leader of the Labour Group, Lewis Herbert. But first of all what do the people of Cambridge think at the moment? Our reporter Anisa Kadri has been on the streets to find out if they think it will make a difference. Continue reading “Cambridge 20 Mph Out To Consultation With Cross Party Support”