Cambridge City Council And The Welfare Reforms

17:23 Thursday 11th April 2013
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[C]HRIS MANN: Cambridgeshire has been named as one of the areas in Britain where people will be best off as a result of the Government’s welfare reforms. It says former industrial areas including Middlesborough, Liverpool and Glasgow will be disproportionately affected. However, wealthier areas, predominantly in the South, such as Cambridgeshire, Surrey and the Cotswolds, will see the smallest financial losses. In a moment we’ll debate the reforms with two local politicians, but first let’s find out more about the research. Here’s Professor Steve Fothergill, formerly of Cambridgeshire University, now of Hallam, who led the study. (TAPE)
STEVE FOTHERGILL: Well, everybody’s known that the welfare reforms were going to take large amounts of money out of people’s pockets and out of the economy. Continue reading “Cambridge City Council And The Welfare Reforms”