Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Steve Titman
Topics: Primark scotch rumours that they will be occupying the old Woolworths building in Peterborough. Local services struggle due to massive immigration. Roadshow on healthy living targets childhood obesity. Local Labour PPC is getting ready for a March election. Dimmable street lamps a grand idea. Children don’t get enough sleep, according to the Sleep Council. Half-term attractions at the Peterborough Museum.
Interviewees: John Bridge Opportunity Peterborough. Adrian Chapman Neighbourhood Services Peterborough City Council. Martin Medlock Peterborough City Council. Nyree Ambarchian PECT. Janine Starling PECT. Jean Hughes Obesity Dietician Peterborough NHS. Jessica Alexander Sleep Council. Rowan Squibb Growborough. Charles Swift Peterborough City Cllr. Ed Murphy Labour PPC. Stewart Orme Peterborough Museum.
Companies Mentioned: Primark. Opportunity Peterborough.