08:40 Friday 11th April 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
[P]AUL STAINTON: Earlier in the show we heard how two of our districts are going to start sharing services. South Cambridgeshire and Hunts District Councils are to form a strategic partnership to share services and help the authorities to save money. So this got us thinking. Is this the start of a transformation, a revolution? Will we soon have one big council for Cambridgeshire, and would it save us a pot of cash? Well we’ve been called by a Hunts District councillor for St Neots, who wants the town to leave Huntingdon District Council and join South Cambridgeshire. His name is Steve Van De Kerkhove. Steve, good morning.
PAUL STAINTON: What’s the matter with you?
STEVE VAN DE KERKHOVE: Well I’ll tell you what. Pretty much everyone I speak to in this town is sick to death of Huntingdonshire District Council.
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