This is an interview with Darren Fower LibDem Leader on Peterborough City Council, talking about Opportunity Peterborough, vibrancy, and the fact that staff at Opportunity Peterborough have been handed jobs with Peterborough City Council. Broadcast at 08:10 on Tuesday 9th March 2010 in the Peterborough Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire. the interviewer is Paul Stainton.
STAINTON: So as we revealed in the first hour, Peterborough now has a Head of City Vibrancy. It’s a new title for one of Opportunity Peterborough’s Directors. The organisation is currently being restructured, with all regeneration stuff returning to the City Council. But do the people of Peterborough know what a Head of City Centre Vibrancy does?
VOXPOP (TAPE): I’ve no idea at all, absolutely no idea. No. Vibrancy? = Vibrancy would be making life fun and jolly and enjoyable, so how about that? The Head of making Peterborough a jolly place to live === I ain’t got a clue === I don’t actually know === I haven’t a clue. It sounds interesting. I might apply. I’m quite vibrant, so I might be eligible.
STAINTON: (STUDIO) Well not as vibrant as Steve Bowyer. He is the Vibrant One. Earlier he told us what the title actually means. Continue reading “Darren Fower on Opportunity Peterborough’s Golden Parachute”