Young lifeblood wanted in Peterborough

09:28 Monday 10th August 2015
BBC Radio Cambridge

PAUL STAINTON: Let’s bring in Steve Bowyer from Opportunity Peterborough, influential of course in attracting many many of the top restaurants to Peterborough in particular. Steve, it’s a fair point though isn’t it, that these thousands of people that were roaming the streets of Peterborough back in the ’80s, ’70s, ’90s, spending all that money, are we missing out?
STEVE BOWYER: Morning Paul. I don’t think so. I think there’s a really good point there about how city centres have evolved, and that mix and diversity of offer. And I think it is about providing that choice. I think there’s a lot of people been talking about how things are cyclical, and you know we may see nightclubs coming back again. But I think actually things move on, so now we have good music venues, we have good restaurants. Hopefully in Peterborough we’re going to see cinemas soon. The point your last speaker made about university and students is absolutely vital for the city, because that is a young lifeblood.
PAUL STAINTON: How close are we to getting that?
Continue reading “Young lifeblood wanted in Peterborough”

All Roads Lead To Rome

07:40 Monday 7th April 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[P]AUL STAINTON: A new programme has been launched aimed at finding innovative solutions to the challenges Peterborough will face in the coming years. Businesses can now apply for funding to develop and test ideas to address problems like spitting in public places and the unhealthy nature of fast food. Let’s speak to Steve Bowyer from Opportunity Peterborough, running the project. It’s called Brainwave. Can you describe exactly how it works.
STEVE BOWYER: Basically you can register on the portal and you can put up any challenge you think the city faces. So it might be around waste. it might be around energy production. Whatever.


PAUL STAINTON: So it’s a bit like a dating website for ideas.
STEVE BOWYER: Sort of. Yes. Yes. And then what we also do is if you’re a funder, so if you’re a business angel or a venture capitalist, or anything like that, you too can register on that. And if you tag your interests as things like waste or energy or whatever.


PAUL STAINTON: What sort of ideas are on there already? What are the challenges we’re trying to find solutions for at the moment?
STEVE BOWYER: Good ideas on there, good challenges on there around energy and waste and actually how do we create a circular economy where our waste is used better locally.


Peterborough DNA – Future Cities Demonstrator – Questions Arising


Peterborough – Accessible and Affordable

08:08 Monday 18th June 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: This city has been described as one of the best destinations to live outside of London. For years now people from the Big Smoke have been coming here of course. Many remember the Peterborough Effect, and those great adverts from the Peterborough Development Corporation and Roy Kinnear dressed as a Roman centurion. Well now it seems that more people can be set to make the trip from London to settle here. Earlier Catherine Penman from Carter Jonas explained why our fair city was such a good place for Londoners to come to. (TAPE)
CATHERINE PENMAN: I think Peterborough is an extremely convenient commuter location. Short journey times, the second shortest of all of the various towns and cities that we included in our survey. And also, most importantly I think, house prices are relatively affordable, compared to most other commuter towns around the UK. (LIVE)
PAUL STAINTON: We also spoke to Tina Bramhill, from the 40 Years On project in Peterborough, and she told us what the city was like before the Peterborough Development Corporation campaign in the ’70s. (TAPE)
TINA BRAMHILL: It was really considered a small market town, even though we were a city. It expanded massively. It went from around 80,000 to nearly 140,000 people. But they did expand other things alongside that. They brought in sports facilities, more schools. They had to do everything alongside that to support everybody coming in. (LIVE)
PAUL STAINTON: Well how would we cope, if more people came to live in our fair city at the moment, if we had some sort of influx? Rowen Squibb is from Growborough, an independent group trying to attract private business to Peterborough, and Steve Bowyer is the Head of Economic Development of course at Opportunity Peterborough. Morning gents. Rowen, first of all, can we cope? Have we got the facilities? Have we got the houses? Have we got the infrastructure? Continue reading “Peterborough – Accessible and Affordable”

Hand Made in Peterborough

08:24 Tuesday 25th October 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY BURROWS: With two months to go until Christmas, a campaign has been started to get people to buy hand made in Peterborough. We’re being asked to support everything from school Christmas fairs, to the hand made markets in Peterborough city centre. The group Hand Made in Peterborough says it supports the local economy, and is better quality and value for money. Jo Taylor has been off to find out what it’s all about. Continue reading “Hand Made in Peterborough”

Peterborough Youth Unemployment – The Lost Generation?

08:24 Thursday 17th March 2011
Peterborough Breakfast
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Unemployment is continuing to rise in the city. In the last two months, the number of people claiming JobSeekers’ Allowance has risen by over 800 people. That’s about 20%. The increase is even steeper for those between 18 and 24. Continue reading “Peterborough Youth Unemployment – The Lost Generation?”

Peterborough News 7th December 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Tuesday 7th December 2010.

IKEA expect to shed 52 jobs by transferring part of their distribution function to Doncaster. Opportunity Peterborough believes these numbers are not significant in the grand scheme of things, and that the future looks bright for Peterborough.
Cowgate traders hope to persuade Hammerson to create an extra entrance to Queensgate when they construct an extension to the shopping centre.
The well-reported connection problems being experienced by telephone callers to the new Peterborough City Hospital should abate by next week according to a spokesperson.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 7th December 2010”

Peterborough News 19th November 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Friday 19th November 2010.

Council admits no money has been spent on Peterborough Market for some years. Opinion is divided on whether the market should be revamped or moved.
Council is finally awake to the popular local zeitgeist that small retailers with an eclectic range of offerings should be offered the opportunity to take up a city centre location, possibly in a shared setting.
Peterborough FM, a not-for-profit community radio station and beneficiary of a £90,000 grant from Children in Need and other funding sources, begins transmitting again for 28 days from 20th November to the 17th of December 2010 on 87.7FM. They are affiliated to the Peterborough African Community Organisation. “Using radio as a tool, Peterborough FM contributes to regeneration and improved community cohesion and capacity in the city. Peterborough FM is sees as a community resource, to be used by individuals and organisations making up the city’s community. The project brings together people from diverse backgrounds who would not meet each other in the normal course of their lives. ”
Continue reading “Peterborough News 19th November 2010”

Halfords Tour Reaction

Andy Burrows goes out and about in the streets of Peterborough to enjoy the Halfords Tour Series Cycle Race and talk to the people and the powers. Annette Joyce Head of City Operations at Peterborough City Council joins Paul in the studio. Broadcast at 07:10 on Wednesday 16th June 2010 in the Peterborough Breakfast Show hosted by Paul Stainton on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.

Andy Burrows goes out and about in the streets of Peterborough to enjoy the Halfords Tour Series Cycle Race and talk to the people and the powers. Annette Joyce Head of City Operations at Peterborough City Council joins Paul in the studio. Broadcast at 07:10 on Wednesday 16th June 2010 in the Peterborough Breakfast Show hosted by Paul Stainton on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.
Continue reading “Halfords Tour Reaction”