17:48 Thursday 31st January 2013
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
[C]HRIS MANN: The Labour Leader Ed Miliband says HS2, which is the high-speed rail link from London to Birmingham to Manchester and to Leeds presents a major opportunity to offer apprenticeships, to help young people who can’t find work benefit from this massive civil engineering project. Labour’s plan is to say that every big firm that gets a contract with the Government must make a clear commitment to training young people for higher skilled jobs as part of the overall project. The Shadow Education Secretary Stephen Twigg joined me earlier to explain the idea. (TAPE)
STEPHEN TWIGG: We want to see more high quality apprenticeships for young people as they leave school or college. And what Ed Miliband has said today is the High Speed Rail project is an extraordinary opportunity to create thousands of high quality apprenticeships for young people in the future.
CHRIS MANN: Well how’s that going to work? Continue reading “Labour Calls For Apprenticeships On Government Contracts”