South Cambridgeshire 2020 Vision

17:11 Wednesday 4th February 2015
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: Plans for how South Cambridgeshire District Council’s services will be financed when all Government grant funding ends in five years time have been published this afternoon. The Government grants the Council receives to deliver services will be cut to zero by 2020. With savings in the region of £670,000 needed in this next financial year, that’s 2015/2016, to balance the books, there’s a lot of work to be done. I’m joined in the studio now by Simon Edwards, who is the Deputy Leader of South Cambs District Council. It’s a big ask.
SIMON EDWARDS: It is a big ask Chris, and this budget really is very different to previous budgets, because this one is all about vision, and I like to call it my 2020 Vision. I know it’s an overused phrase, but for the first time we can now see on the horizon of our five year strategy, in 2020 we will have virtually no, in fact we’ll have no revenue support grant from the Government.
CHRIS MANN: I know you said in a statement earlier that you need to innovate and generate your own income. So what ideas have you come up with? Continue reading “South Cambridgeshire 2020 Vision”

South Cambs and Hunts – District Councils Sharing Services

17:19 Friday 11th July 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[C]HRIS MANN: A cost-saving strategic partnership between South Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire District Councils has been approved. We talked about it on the programme a couple of weeks ago. It is hoped that by sharing building control, legal and IT services they can save half a million pounds. On Monday Cambridge City Council will consider a report on sharing their legal and IT services. It’s hoped this will save even more for the councils. Well joining me in the studio now is Simon Edwards, who is the Deputy Leader of South Cambs District Council. Hello Simon.
SIMON EDWARDS: Good evening Chris.
CHRIS MANN: So just tell us what was approved last night exactly.
Continue reading “South Cambs and Hunts – District Councils Sharing Services”

South Cambs Relying On Growth To Survive

09:10 Thursday 6th February 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[A]NDIE HARPER: Twenty pounds on average per home. That’s the equivalent of what South Cambridgeshire District Council need to save in the next financial year. The Council announced their budget plans yesterday, as they face a further 24% cut in funding from Government, with £300,000 to be saved this year, on top of the £5 million already saved through efficiency measures, which they’ve achieved over the last years. Plans include increasing council tax, and reducing the green bin collections. I’m joined now by the Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Cllr Simon Edwards. Simon, good morning to you ..
SIMON EDWARDS: Good morning Andie.
ANDIE HARPER: As I mentioned then, you have made millions of pounds of savings over the last years. How have we ended at the situation where you’ve got to make still more?
SIMON EDWARDS: Well, the Government are reducing the funding for local authorities year on year. We knew this. If they’re going to hit their deficit reduction targets, we knew that we were going to be in the firing line. And true to form, we’re seeing as you say a 24% reduction in our funding. That means we’ve got to find another £300,000 savings next year, rising to £1 million the year after, in the context of already having saved £5 million in the last four years. So it is a really really difficult task for us.
ANDIE HARPER: Now presumably you think all of your services are vital, otherwise you wouldn’t have them there in the first place. So when you are sitting down thinking how do we save £300,000 yet more, where do you actually start?
Continue reading “South Cambs Relying On Growth To Survive”

South Cambs – Radical Solutions To Protect Services

09:09 Thursday 19th December 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[A]NDIE HARPER: Local councils in England are facing a 2.9% cut in overall Government funding for 2014/15 it was announced yesterday afternoon. On the Bigger Breakfast we heard that across the board, councils in Cambridgeshire will receive around £25 million less in Government grants next year. Joining me is Cllr Simon Edwards, the Deputy Leader of South Cambs District Council, who last week was critical of the decision to give MPs a pay rise. Simon, Good morning to you.
SIMON EDWARDS: Good morning. Andy.
ANDIE HARPER: So are all the councils in it together? Brandon Lewis yesterday was trying to stress that this was fairer, because there have always been concerns about favouring certain councils. Do you think you’re all in it together at the same price?
Continue reading “South Cambs – Radical Solutions To Protect Services”

Bourn Airfield Development Debate

07:22 Friday 6th September 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[P]AUL STAINTON: Campaigners opposing plans to build over 3,000 homes on Bourn Airfield say they’ll protest tonight outside a Council exhibition in the village. The proposals are part of South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Local Plan, which is currently being consulted on. Des O’Brien is the Chairman of the group Stop Bourn Airfield Development, and is joined by Cllr Tumi Hawkins, the LibDem councillor who represents the area of Caldecote. Morning. Morning to both of you. So what’s the problem then Des with this development?
Continue reading “Bourn Airfield Development Debate”

Cambridge Green Belt – New Homes for Rough Sleepers?

10:23 Monday 27th August 2012
Mid-Morning Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: A few minutes ago we heard from Paul Miner from the Campaign to Protect Rural England, as they call on the Government to honour its pledge to safeguard the Green Belt. It’s claimed there are bids for more than 81,000 homes on Green Belt land around cities and towns across England, a matter of concern for us all, I’m sure. Well Paul told us he was particularly concerned about plans for land around South Cambridgeshire. (TAPE)
PAUL MINER: It surprised and disturbed us to find that in the past couple of years new local plans have been coming forward which are actually talking about major changes to the Green Belt. And in Cambridge in particular, the City Council is talking about building 12,000 new dwellings on the Green Belt. And South Cambridgeshire District, on top of that, is likely to propose even more, which would be a major change in Cambridgeshire’s Green Belt. (LIVE)
CHRIS MANN: Well let’s get some instant reaction now, because Councillor Simon Edwards, Deputy Leader of South Cambridgeshire District Council is on duty even today, on a Bank Holiday. .. What do you think of what Paul Miner had to say? Are you concerned? Continue reading “Cambridge Green Belt – New Homes for Rough Sleepers?”