Your Job – To Take The Blame When Things Go Wrong

07:20 Wednesday 23rd May 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: A new department has been created by Peterborough City Council to liaise with the organisation responsible for the services that we’ve outsourced. I know it’s confusing, but we’ll sort it out in a minute. Four new positions have been advertised, but they could cost you about 140 grand a year. Do we need another layer of bureaucracy? Or is it necessary for all the city’s services to run like a well-oiled machine, that we need to emply people to put the oil on? Let’s get the opinion of Liberal Democrat councillor Darren Fower. .. So, as I understand it, we’re creating a department for services that we don’t run anymore.
DARREN FOWER: That’s basically it, isn’t it? I think this is a massive indicator to show that the decision by this administration in regards to flogging off the important services to the private organisations isn’t working out. And this is going to be a massive kick in the teeth to the hundreds of council workers who’ve lost their jobs in recent years, and also to some of those who’ve been transferred to these organisations who I understand are having a bit of a torrid time.
PAUL STAINTON: I’m pleased to say that with me in the studio is councillor Matthew Dalton, the Cabinet Member for Communications. .. We’re creating a department to look after things that we don’t run any more. You can understand why some people might be a bit taken aback by that.
MATTHEW DALTON: Well I can understand why Darren thinks that this is an easy hit on the administration. It sound something nice, you can come on the radio ..
PAUL STAINTON: No. I’m confused. Me too. Continue reading “Your Job – To Take The Blame When Things Go Wrong”

Lee Confirms Zero Job Security for Workers at Peterborough City Council

08:20 Thursday 27th October 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: The private company taking over the running of a number of services at Peterborough City Council has been chosen. Serco have been confirmed as the preferred bidder for the 10 year partnership, which should deliver at least £20 million in efficiency savings. Council tax collection and the customer service team are among the services being transferred in the deal. Matthew Lee is Deputy Leader at the City Council. Morning, sir.
MATTHEW LEE: Good morning.
PAUL STAINTON: There’ll be nobody left there soon that works for the city. They’ll all be private companies, won’t they? Continue reading “Lee Confirms Zero Job Security for Workers at Peterborough City Council”

Peterborough: the Transfers Continue

08:32 Friday 7th October 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridge

PAUL STAINTON: Council tax collection is just one of a number of back-room services at the City Council set to be transferred to a private firm, in a deal which could save the city £25 million. 450 workers at Peterborough City Council will be transferred as part of the move, and the City Council assures there’s unlikely to be job losses, and say they have already made £2 million worth of administrative savings in 2009/10. Let’s Speak to David Seaton. He’s Cabinet Member for Resources at Peterborough City Council. Morning David.
DAVID SEATON: Morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: So you’ve already made £2 million worth of savings. How have they come about? Continue reading “Peterborough: the Transfers Continue”

Peterborough News 19th October 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Tuesday 19th October 2010.

With the scrapping of EEDA there are calls for unity as businesses strive to make a success of the Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership.
Local Unison members travel to Westminster to lobby against cuts.
Social landlords predict that life could become more difficult for young families as Govt proposes cutting the social housing budget by more than 50%.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 19th October 2010”