Sarah Brown – a Sense of Community in Cambridge

09:35 Monday 7th April 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[A]NDIE HARPER: Today we’re asking if you feel part of your community. This on the back of a survey which revealed that things are improving in the East of England. .. A study commissioned by the BBC found 60% of us in the East feel more connected to our neighbourhood than we did say ten years ago. But is that reflected in Cambridge itself? Can a city with a transient and growing population create a community feeling? Sarah Brown is the Executive Councillor for Community and Wellbeing on Cambridge City Council and joins me now. Good morning to you Sarah.
SARAH BROWN: Good morning. Thanks for having me.
ANDIE HARPER: Nice to talk to you. So Cambridge is a city, a vibrant city, with so much going on. And it caters for every need really and every interest. But can you say that there is a feeling of community about it?
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