Initial reaction from East of England MEPs to the Syriza victory in Greece

17:10 Monday 26th January 2015
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: The Leader of the left-wing Syriza party Alex Tsipras will be sworn in as the new Greek Prime Minister later. He’s agreed to form a coalition with the right-wing Independent Greece. Both are against austerity measures imposed in return for an international bail-out. David Cameron says what’s happening in Greece shows how important it is for Britain to stick to its economic plan.
DAVID CAMERON: Instability in the Eurozone, less rapid growth from the developing economies, these things, these warning signs I believe point even more to the importance of sticking to our long-term economic plan that is delivering, rather than taking a risk with the people who got us into this mess with their plans for more borrowing, more spending, more tax.
CHRIS MANN: So, keep on course. But is that really the best idea? Let’s find out now. Let’s get two reactions. Vicky Ford is Conservative MEP for the eastern region. Hello Vicky.
VICKY FORD: Hi. Good evening.
CHRIS MANN: And she’s in our Brussels studio, along with Richard Howitt, who’s the Labour MEP for this region as well. Hello Richard.
RICHARD HOWITT: Good evening to you Chris.
CHRIS MANN: So you Richard, first of all.Your reaction to that vote in Greece.
Continue reading “Initial reaction from East of England MEPs to the Syriza victory in Greece”

Cameron Moves To Reassure On Further Immigration

17:07 Wednesday 27th November 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[C]HRIS MANN: The big story this evening, David Cameron says he’ll push ahead with plans to restrict access to benefits for EU immigrants, after a European Commissioner warned the UK risked being seen as the nasty country. The Prime Minister wants to restrict housing benefit and JobSeekers Allowance for entrants from Romania and Bulgaria. We’ll get the comments of the Liberal Democrat MP for Cambridge Julian Huppert a little later on, and I’m also going to be debating this live with two people who are very involved locally with Europe. First of all, Labour’s current MEP for Europe, Richard Howitt. Hello Richard.
RICHARD HOWITT: Evening Chris. Good evening everyone.
CHRIS MANN: Live from our studio in Brussels. And also Patrick O’Flynn, who’s recently been chosen as the lead UKIP candidate in the East of England. Patrick, hello to you.
PATRICK O’FLYNN: Good evening Chris.
CHRIS MANN: Also the Chief Political Correspondent of the Daily Express. So we’ll talk to them a little later on, but first of all, let’s hear our report from Westminster on this PM proposal, from Joe Inwood.
Continue reading “Cameron Moves To Reassure On Further Immigration”

Ed Miliband – Man Of Integrity

17:20 Friday 5th July 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: Labour have called in the police over alleged irregularities in the selection of their General Election candidate in Falkirk. Britain’s largest union, Unite, is accused of trying to manipulate the process, a claim it vehemently denies.. An internal Party investigation has already led to two people being suspended. Earlier, Unite General Secretary Len McCluskey said he had no trust in the Labour Party leadership. Conservative party Chairman Grant Shapps says Labour are still in thrall to their trade union paymasters. (AUDIO OF GRANT SHAPPS) . But are the Tories making political capital, or is the Labour Party really at war with its biggest union backer? In a moment or two we’ll be talking to the Labour candidate for Cambridge, who himself is a member of the Unite union. But first of all I spoke to the Labour MEP for the Eastern Region, Richard Howitt. (TAPE)
RICHARD HOWITT: Well I think it’s really great that Ed Miliband has done the (UNCLEAR) and he’s stepped in and he’s said no, I’m not going to be party to anything that isn’t fully above board and fair and open. And he’s suspended two people from the Labour Party and he’ll sort it out. Of course no-one wants these local difficulties in any political party, but the important thing is if they come to light, they’re dealt with. And that’s what Ed Miliband has done.
CHRIS MANN: The police are now involved. Could it get any worse? Continue reading “Ed Miliband – Man Of Integrity”

Paul Nuttall UKIP – Exit Now From A Corrupt And Undemocratic European Union

10:53 Wednesday 23rd January 2013
Andy Harper Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[A]NDY HARPER: Let’s talk to the Euro MEP Paul Nuttall, who is Deputy Leader of UKIP. Paul, good morning to you.
ANDY HARPER: So, I think most people are suggesting that Mr Cameron’s speech,  and not necessarily a U-turn, but a slight change in direction, is down to the pressure being put on by your party. Continue reading “Paul Nuttall UKIP – Exit Now From A Corrupt And Undemocratic European Union”

Richard Howitt and Stewart Jackson on Immigration and the EU Budget

07:00 – 09:00 1 November 2012
Bigger Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire


PAUL STAINTON: Last night David Cameron got something of a bloody nose in the House of Commons. He was defeated in a vote over Europe. MPs voted by a majority of 13 in favour of a rebel Tory call for a cut in the European budget .. Let’s speak to the MEP for the Eastern Region, Labour’s Richard Howitt .. There’s a perception though isn’t there that it’s just a massive gravy train, and that you know there’s expenses here and there, there’s people earning absolute fortunes for not doing very much at all.
RICHARD HOWITT: Well those feelings are because that type of language is used in the media.
PAUL STAINTON: So it’s the media’s fault, is it? Continue reading “Richard Howitt and Stewart Jackson on Immigration and the EU Budget”

Richard Howitt MEP on the Robin Hood Tax

17:21 Friday 18th November 2011
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: David Cameron insists Britain and Germany are still good friends, despite their differences over the crisis in the Eurozone. The Prime Minister’s been meeting Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin, where the two leaders failed to agree on the best way of funding the bail-out of debt-plagued European countries. Germany also wants to impose a tax on share and currency trading across the European Union, but this is opposed by Britain. So, summit or showdown? Richard Howitt is the Labour Euro MP for the East of England, and earlier I put it to him that either way, it’s a big mess. Continue reading “Richard Howitt MEP on the Robin Hood Tax”

Dale Farm – MEP Manhandled

07:35 Thursday 20th October 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Well the big story this morning in most newspapers, the big story yesterday, live TV crews there at Dale Farm, as bailiffs were preparing to enter the UK’s biggest illegal travellers’ site. Yesterday 23 people were arrested during violent clashes between police in riot gear and the residents’ supporters. Amongst all that was Richard Howitt, Labour MEP for the East of England, who was removed from the site yesterday. Good morning.
RICHARD HOWITT: Good morning.
PAUL STAINTON: What were you doing, getting in the way Richard? Continue reading “Dale Farm – MEP Manhandled”

Peterborough News 13th December 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Monday 13th December 2010.

The Government publishes its Localism Bill which claims to lay the groundwork for a new generation of locally run services, elected Mayors and devolved planning responsibilities.
As rail fares rise, First Capital Connect passengers should feel the benefit of extra coaches allocated to peak time services through Peterborough.
A demonstration by English Defence League supporters in Peterborough was attended by a much smaller number than predicted, but negative publicity resulted in a loss of trade for shopkeepers.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 13th December 2010”