17:10 Monday 26th January 2015
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
CHRIS MANN: The Leader of the left-wing Syriza party Alex Tsipras will be sworn in as the new Greek Prime Minister later. He’s agreed to form a coalition with the right-wing Independent Greece. Both are against austerity measures imposed in return for an international bail-out. David Cameron says what’s happening in Greece shows how important it is for Britain to stick to its economic plan.
DAVID CAMERON: Instability in the Eurozone, less rapid growth from the developing economies, these things, these warning signs I believe point even more to the importance of sticking to our long-term economic plan that is delivering, rather than taking a risk with the people who got us into this mess with their plans for more borrowing, more spending, more tax.
CHRIS MANN: So, keep on course. But is that really the best idea? Let’s find out now. Let’s get two reactions. Vicky Ford is Conservative MEP for the eastern region. Hello Vicky.
VICKY FORD: Hi. Good evening.
CHRIS MANN: And she’s in our Brussels studio, along with Richard Howitt, who’s the Labour MEP for this region as well. Hello Richard.
RICHARD HOWITT: Good evening to you Chris.
CHRIS MANN: So you Richard, first of all.Your reaction to that vote in Greece.
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