Future Cities – The Integrity Of The Process


On 14th May on this website an article appeared entitled Peterborough DNA – Future Cities Demonstrator – Questions Arising.

There it was pointed out that the leading actor in a Peterborough bid for funding from the Technology Strategy Board appeared to redact substantial relevant and conflicting private business interests from the Peterborough City Council Register of Interests during the bidding process.

That information was published here, and two media organisations, one Member of Parliament, and four Peterborough City Councillors were directly advised that this information had been published. Continue reading “Future Cities – The Integrity Of The Process”

Peterborough DNA – Future Cities Demonstrator – Questions Arising

Note: this post is a mixture of  items written originally and items edited later when new information emerged.

Via a private arm of the City Council, Peterborough recently bid for £20 million funding from the Technology Strategy Board to develop a Future Cities project. As a runner up to Glasgow Peterborough was given £3 million to develop their ideas.

Their original bid document is here:

Feasibility Study Peterborough City Council.
Continue reading “Peterborough DNA – Future Cities Demonstrator – Questions Arising”

Matthew Lee Selects £75 Million Incinerator

07:06 Monday 13th August 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY GALL: A multi-million pound energy from waste facility for Peterborough is now a step closer. Peterborough City Council has named waste management company Viridor as its preferred bidder. The Council says that 50 tons of black bin waste is being sent to landfill, and the new plant will burn the rubbish, reducing the amount sent to landfill. Richard Olive is from Friends of the Earth in Peterborough, and Fiona Radic is from the Green Party, and we can speak to them now. So first of all, to Richard, what do you think of the plans that have been put forward?
RICHARD OLIVE: It’s diabolical. Continue reading “Matthew Lee Selects £75 Million Incinerator”

Miasma and Media Lockdown

The Leader of Peterborough City Council, Marco Cereste,  is the owner of a private company, PREL, that wants to build a modern version of an incinerator in the city.

Meanwhile, Peterborough City Council is in negotiation to build another publicly owned incinerator, alongside the PREL version, using older technology.

What might be the advantage or disadvantage to PREL of having two incinerators side by side?

(Peterborough City Council is currently unavailable for comment.)

What’s Going On Here Then?

07:15 Tuesday 18th June 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire



NICK SANDFORD LIBDEM: PREL are building a high technology waste treatment plant. What the Council are proposing is a conventional old-fashioned incinerator where you don’t sort the waste out you just throw it in.

RICHARD OLIVE FRIENDS OF THE EARTH: The PREL one will be absolutely state-of-the-art, a much better process. It is almost 100% recycling, the PREL one.


Cranfield in Peterborough

07:21 Thursday 30th June 2011
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
Let’s find our more by speaking to John Richards, who’s the Executive Director of Children’s Services at Peterborough City Council. Joins us now. Good morning John. So how does this grant work? You’re planning to pay £120,000 to Cranfield University to fund this role and why? …

Now the actual cost of the Chair and all the accoutrements of a Chair of Renewable Energy is over £300,000. The City Council is only putting in £120,000, that’s £40,000 over three years, and the rest of the money is being put up by PREL. So this is a real partnership between business, the Council and the university.
Council Subsidy for PREL’s Cranfield Link-Up


Minutes of a Council meeting held on 13th July 2011
From Questions Without Notice on the Record of Executive Decisions:
Provision of grant support to Cranfield University
Councillor Sandford queried what benefit this £300k grant would provide to residents of Peterborough. Councillor Cereste responded that it would ensure a reputable organisation remained in the city providing skills and education opportunities for the residents of Peterborough.
From here: Council Website – 11mb pdf file


Marco Cereste is the Conservative Leader of Peterborough City Council and Chairman of PREL, Peterborough Renewable Energy Limited.

Lee Cagey on Pickles Bin Boost

17:43 Friday 30th September 2011
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY BURROWS: Let’s return to today’s top story, and it’s that £250 million incentive from the Government, to encourage local authorities to start picking up everyone’s general waste, black bin in many cases, every week, rather than every fortnight. We can speak to the Deputy Leader of Peterborough City Council Matthew Lee. Hello to you Matthew.
MATTHEW LEE: Hello Andy.
ANDY BURROWS: So you’re going to take Eric Pickles up on his offer. You’ll say yes please. And you’re going to reintroduce weekly general waste collections. Continue reading “Lee Cagey on Pickles Bin Boost”

PREL Greenhouse – Pilot Scheme Planned

08:08 Monday 26th September 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Plans to build one of the country’s largest greenhouses in Peterborough creating 1500 jobs – the proposals come from Peterborough Renewable Energy Limited. Chris Williams is the Managing Director. (TAPE)
CHRIS WILLIAMS: First of all there’s a pilot, and what we’re looking to do is we’ve been approached by the growers, who themselves have been approached by supermarkets and customers, who want sustainable organic food. To help that they need carbon dioxide, and what better way to do carbon dioxide than to take it from a source that would be putting it into the atmosphere. So they’re looking at power stations. They also like the idea that we produce organic fertiliser from our food waste process. And combining the two. So we’re starting with a pilot in Peterborough, about 3 hectares of tomatoes and other crops that can grow sustainably and have the market in the UK, so they’re cutting out food miles, they’re cutting out use of heating from external sources. (LIVE)
PAUL STAINTON: That’s Chris Williams the Managing Director of Peterborough Renewable Energy Limited announcing the plans. Sam Dalton is the councillor and Cabinet Member for Environment Capital. Morning Sam.
SAMANTHA DALTON: Good morning.
PAUL STAINTON: These are very very exciting plans aren’t they? Continue reading “PREL Greenhouse – Pilot Scheme Planned”