Martyn Postle on the Pfizer Bid

09:23 Monday 19th May 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[A]NDIE HARPER: This morning Astrazeneca has rejected the fourth and final takeover bid from its American rival Pfizer. The new bid valued the company at £69 billion, but the Chairman of the British pharmaceutical company said it undervalued the firm. However since they turned their offer down, the share value has now plunged by 14%, driving its market value down (to) £52.1 billion. That’s in a very short time indeed. So, is that the end of the battle of the drug companies? Martyn Postle is a director of Cambridge Healthcare and Biotech. Martin, good morning to you.
MARTYN POSTLE: Good morning Andie.
ANDIE HARPER: So, markets react so quickly, don’t they? Most people think people standing on the outside would have been quite pleased to hear them say that they’ve rejected the final offer by Pfizer, but now what happens?
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