Posh Ground Upgrade Stalled as Council Dithers

07:07 Monday 28th May 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Let’s start at London Road, and see if we can find out when the ground improvements are going to be sorted out. The Moyes End Stand of course, as we well know, was to be demolished. It should have already started. It should have already been gone. But it isn’t. So what’s going on? Let’s speak to Paul Froggitt. He’s a board member for the Posh Supporters’ Trust. Morning Paul.
PAUL FROGGITT: Good morning to you Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: What’s going on?
PAUL FROGGITT: I wish I knew. And I hope, maybe by the end of today, you might be able to find out. All different stories, the story keeps changing and changing about when the work’s going to start. And nothing seems to be decided. I was a bit surprised by the comment that I just heard, which I didn’t know anything about before, that the Council have said that they’re negotiating with the Club. I don’t really see why negotiations with the Club are necessary. They’ve got to assess a tender and award a tender to the successful contractor.
PAUL STAINTON: Let’s just go back then. This was supposed to have happened already a couple of times, wasn’t it? The stand was supposed to have already been knocked down. Continue reading “Posh Ground Upgrade Stalled as Council Dithers”

A Rose by Any Other Name

This is a welcome opportunity to clear up a mystery surrounding the Peterborough Development Partnership. It was pointed out here that despite the fact that they were deeply involved in developing the Peterborough District Hospital site, there seems to be little trace of them out there on the Internet.
Continue reading “A Rose by Any Other Name”

Peterborough Development Partnership – Who are They?

07:22 Friday 13th May 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: You came on to talk about the old PDH site on Thorpe Road.
STEWART JACKSON: Yes I’ve got worries, because although the Council has looked at the site, and produced a supplementary planning document, I am very concerned that there might be a move to go for a monopoly developer on the site, instead of what could be achieved. It’s a very prestigious site. You’ll remember, the last big prestigious site was actually turned over to a prison, about six, seven years ago. It could be the key to the aspirational regeneration of Peterborough. And it’s crucially important, I think, that we, the Hospital, gets the best independent advice. They’ve had advice from King Sturge, I believe, the Trust. I’d like to know what they’ve actually provided, and what they’ve done for their fee, for the Trust.
PAUL STAINTON: Who are these people? Continue reading “Peterborough Development Partnership – Who are They?”