Cambs Solar Plan Scuppered

17:22 Friday 11th November 2011
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY BURROWS: Plans to make a Council headquarters in Cambridgeshire far greener by using solar panels has had to be scrapped. South Cambridgeshire District Council had already cancelled plans to add panels to sheltered accommodation, but were still hoping to press ahead with another scheme. Let’s speak to Peter Topping, who’s Cabinet Member for, the wonderfully named Sustainability, Planning and Climate Change. That’s what they call a large brief, I’d have thought. Hello to you Peter.
PETER TOPPING: Hello there.
ANDY BURROWS: So what’s the latest plan that’s had to be scrapped then? Continue reading “Cambs Solar Plan Scuppered”

Hanley Grange Back on the Table

10:10 Friday 30th September 2011
Mid-Morning Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY HARPER: We’re looking at the implications for the county following the demise of Cambridgeshire Horizons. The organisation that has overseen development in the county for the last seven years is being wound up today. It promoted plans for Northstowe, but it also led widespread opposition to Hanley Grange. That was the eco-town proposed by Tesco on countryside south of Cambridge. But we’ve learnt that it’s back on the table, along with Six Mile Bottom, Waterbeach and others, as a possible site for future house building. Well Peter Topping is Conservative District Councillor for Triplow, who had just been elected when the Hanley Grange proposals were put forward for the first time. Peter, good morning to you.
PETER TOPPING: Good morning.
ANDY BURROWS: So, you and others must have thought you’d seen that off. Continue reading “Hanley Grange Back on the Table”