LibDem Sandford backs Cereste’s solar ambitions

07:12 Wednesday 6th August 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: A working group of Peterborough councillors has met once again to discuss the financial risks of a proposed solar farm in the city. The cross-party group had previously pooh poohed the scheme, saying the risks were too high, and too much public money had been invested already. But fellow councillors deemed their report as light on detail, hence why they’ve been asked to meet again. Meanwhile Cambridgeshire County Council has submitted its own plans for a 50,000 solar panel farm near Soham. Well let’s speak to Nick Sandford. He’s the Leader of Peterborough LibDems, and on the working group looking into whether the expense of a huge solar farm at America Farm near Peterborough might be worth it. Nick, good morning.
NICK SANDFORD: Morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: Why are you having to meet again?
NICK SANDFORD: Well I wasn’t actually at the original meeting that took place, but I was actually at the Scrutiny Meeting when they presented their report, and they were recommending that the project be discontinued..
Continue reading “LibDem Sandford backs Cereste’s solar ambitions”

The Cereste Shuffle

08:22 Thursday 23rd May 2013
Bigger Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Well the Leader of Peterborough City Council has reshuffled his Cabinet team, following an extraordinary two weeks at the Town Hall. Marco Cereste will work without a Deputy, following a failed Leadership challenge earlier this month by his then Deputy Matthew Lee. Cllr Lee has been dropped from the Cabinet, along with disgraced Cllr Peter Hiller, who was recently convicted of causing criminal damage. Elsewhere, Cllr Gavin Elsey has been moved to the position of Culture, Recreation and Waste Management, and Cllr Nigel North moves to Environment Capital and Neighbourhoods, while Cllr Irene Walsh adds responsibility for Public Health and Communications to her Community Cohesion and Safety brief, and Cllr Matthew Dalton has left the Cabinet for family reasons. Well we can now speak to the man himself, Marco Cereste. Morning Marco.
MARCO CERESTE: Good morning Paul. You OK?
PAUL STAINTON: Yes I’m good, thank you. Very very good. memories of wrestling flooding through my mind this morning.
MARCO CERESTE: Oh well you see I’m old enough to remember all of that. It used to be great. You should have seen my grandma when they were wrestling. (HE LAUGHS)
PAUL STAINTON: Was she the one with the handbag?
MARCO CERESTE: She was in the ring with them. You should have seen it. It was great fun.
PAUL STAINTON: Anyway, you’ve had a bit of a wrestle with your new Cabinet, haven’t you? Two falls and a submission for Matthew Lee. Continue reading “The Cereste Shuffle”

Local Elections Tomorrow- Radio Cambridgeshire Coverage

07:50 Wednesday 4th May 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY GALL: Tomorrow many of you will be voting in local elections across the county. 477 candidates are competing in 154 seats across 5 District Councils and Peterborough City Council. That’s as well as the Alternative Vote referendum. With the latest news, and looking ahead to tomorrow, I’m joined by our political reporter Steve Titman, who’s with us. Good morning Steve.
STEVE TITMAN: Good morning Andy.
ANDY GALL: Now what are we expecting to happen in the local elections in Cambridgeshire? Continue reading “Local Elections Tomorrow- Radio Cambridgeshire Coverage”

Peterborough News 9th December 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Thursday 9th December 2010.

Today is the day when MPs vote on whether to raise student fees. The local MP supports the policy.
Peterborough Childrens Services have received a “poor” rating but a Council spokesman says the problems are historic and they will do better next time.
Council have passed plans for a massive housebuilding programme over the next 15 years featuring 21,000 new units.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 9th December 2010”

Peterborough News 26th October 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Tuesday 26th October 2010.

Despite residents’ letters to the Vatican, the owners of St Anthonys Church Fletton, the Scalabrini Fathers, refuse to confirm or deny the sale of the church, which was suddenly closed as unsafe to use.
Cross Keys Homes are running a series of workshops aimed at incentivising people to find employment.
Growborough demand gainful quality employment for Peterborough school leavers and say more should be done on the green technology front.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 26th October 2010”

The Peterborough Neighbourhood Council Debate

A disagreement has arisen on Peterborough City Council over just how effective the new Neighbourhood Councils are, whether they achieve what they claim to do, and whether the money is wasted. The debate begins with two interviews with Councillors broadcast at 07:09 and 08:10 respectively on Thursday June 3rd in the Peterborough Breakfast Show hosted by Andy Gall on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire. The first interview for the prosecution is with Cllr Steven Goldspink from the English Democrat Party. The second interview for the defence is with Cllr Peter Hiller Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood, Housing and Community Development.

This is followed by two more interviews broadcast on the next day, Friday 4th June at 07:35, with Doreen Murray a former councillor from the Ortons and an opponent of the current Councils and Chris York the unsuccesful Labour PPC for N.W.Cambridgeshire, who believes they offer some value.
Continue reading “The Peterborough Neighbourhood Council Debate”

Peterborough News 3rd June 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Thursday 3rd June 2010. News travel weather and interviews.

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Thursday 3rd June 2010. News travel weather and interviews.

The redevelopment of Peterborough City Centre is likely to continue for another four months.
Peterborough’s Neighbourhood Councils do not do what they claim to do according to one councillor. The Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood, Housing and Community Development responds.
Peterborough United FC will be selling Shaun Batt to Millwall FC.
Peterborough’s Free Kicks Foundation have been and will continue to auction off players’ shirts on behalf of their charity.
Peterborough Environment City Trust will be holding a catwalk show today featuring second hand and recycled clothes as part of their Green Festival.
Hearing Dogs for the Deaf are appealing for people to takon and train dogs which will eventually be assigned to deaf people to help them with general mobility and safety issues.
Londis off-license on the Welland Estate in Peterborough has applied for an alcohol license to sell alcohol 22 hours a day, until 4am in the morning. Locals are incensed as the are has been subject to major improvement efforts by Cross Key Homes and Peterborough City Council.
Sue Stevens f rom Waterstones suggests some Bank Holiday reading for the children.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 3rd June 2010”


Presenter: Andy Gall

Topics:  Peterborough NHS A&E triage initiative to reduce waiting times and save money. Jackson doctor denies manslaughter. Repatriation scheme for homeless Eastern European migrants in Peterborough. Prince’s Trust report says youngsters face hard times and unemployment. Chatteris teenager shortlisted for Paralympic sprint team. TESCO customer told to stop giving Flying Angel to daughter. Traffic chaos at Peterborough Garden Park revisited. Bus route changes row revisited. Peterborough Male Voice Choir 75th anniversary charity concert at the Cathedral. Lawrence Dallaglio cycles 2888km for charity.

Interviewees: Celia Kendrick Nurse Peterborough NHS. Kevin Bell Welland Residents Association. Eric Kirk Centre Manager Peterborough Garden Park. Peterborough City Councillor Peter Hiller. Nick Sandford LibDem PPC. William Prideaux Musical Director Peterborough Male Voice Choir. John Rossington Crime Reduction Initiatives. Ivona Heditska Interpreter. Graham Ball Prince’s Trust. Emma Leader local hairdressing student. Lawrence Dallaglio.

Companies Mentioned:  Propofol (AstraZeneca). Tesco. Peterborough Garden Park.