PECT action on litter

10:23 Thursday 12th May 2016
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Litter a hot topic with you guys this morning. It really is. This from Trev in Manea who says:“We have a dedicated group. We get together once a month or so and tidy up in different parts of the village.” Great respect for them. Dale in Eye says:”Paul what an absolute disgrace and an awful introduction to England the link road is from Stansted Airport to the M11. It’s covered in litter and multiple potholes. It’s absolutely unbelievable.” Yes. And you know you could say well they should clear it up, they should clean it up. But should people have to clear up after people? And why? Why do some people in society think it’s acceptable to litter the countryside and just make it look a mess. Does it drive you mad? Just what goes on in the mind of someone who throws crisp packets out the car windows? Campaigners have found 20 year old crisp packets in the Forest of Dean. And we’ve found some old coke cans and all sorts this morning. And we’ve just had a little look. We haven’t even done it scientifically. Well let’s speak to Jen Orrell who’s on the Communities Team at Peterborough Environment City Trust, who try and look after Peterborough anyway. Jen, morning.
JENNIFER ORRELL: Good morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: What would you like to do with people who litter the countryside? Can we broadcast it?
Continue reading “PECT action on litter”

The Answer Lies In The Soil

08:12 Wednesday 10th October 2012
The Bigger Breakfast
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Farmers in the county say bread may have to be imported if we have another bad summer like we’ve just had. The price of fruit veg and cereal also set to rise, after figures from the NFU show the amount of wheat harvested has dropped by almost 15% over five years. The news comes after one of the wettest summers in recent years, and what’s been described as one of the worst harvests in forty years. .. Let’s speak to Ian Tennant from Peterborough Environment City Trust. With him as well is Kim Coley. Ian, you don’t eat a lot of meat and stuff, do you? Continue reading “The Answer Lies In The Soil”

Winter Draws On

08:10 Tuesday 9th October 2012
Bigger Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Both city councils in the county need to up their game when it comes to green issues. That’s what we’ve been hearing this morning on the show. The comments come ahead of a meeting tonight, where a new five year green strategy for Cambridge will be approved. The main target is to cut carbon emissions, something the city council’s failed to do in the past, much to the annoyance of local environmental campaigner Tony Juniper. Continue reading “Winter Draws On”

Green Backyard – Working Within The System

07:18 Monday 20th August 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY GALL: After months of campaigning, it looks as though a new home could have been found for the Green Backyard. The community project has been told it will have to move away from its home near Apex House, and be given a new location. And after meetings with Peterborough City Council, the owners say one suggestion may be to move the green space onto the top of a multi-storey car park. Sophie Antonelli is from the Green Backyard, and is on the line. So what did you think of Marco’s suggestion of it being put on a multi-storey car park? Continue reading “Green Backyard – Working Within The System”

Peterborough Talking the Talk on Light Pollution

17:55 Wednesday 11th April 2012
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: The Campaign to Protect Rural England says Britain’s night sky is still saturated by light pollution. A survey found that half the people they questioned could only see ten stars in the Orion constellation, where they should be able to see thirty. The organisation’s Chief Executive Shaun Spiers says councils could do a lot more to tackle unnecessary lighting. (TAPE)
SHAUN SPIERS: There’s lots of things causing light pollution. Street lights are one of them, and councils that have experimented in part-time cut-off between midnight and five o’clock in the morning have seen no increase in crime, they’ve saved an awful lot of money .. ” (LIVE)
CHRIS MANN: Let’s talk now to Janine Starling from Peterborough Environment City Trust. Hi, Janine. Continue reading “Peterborough Talking the Talk on Light Pollution”

Leap Day Volunteering

17:55 Wednesday 29th February 2012
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: In 2008 The National Trust started a new tradition. It’s been encouraging companies to pay their staff for a day off, as long as they spend it doing something to help the environment. Well Rachel Huxley is the Chief Executive of the Peterborough Environment City Trust, and she’s been at the Langdyke Trust today, and joins me on the line now. Rachel, Hello.
RACHEL HUXLEY: Hello. Good afternoon.
CHRIS MANN: All of the above. And so, what have you been doing today? Continue reading “Leap Day Volunteering”

Peterborough – This Broken City

Monday 27th February 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

IAN DAVIES PETERBOROUGH SOUP KITCHEN: At the moment, with the economic situation as it is, there are more and more homeless people. In Peterborough, we have the third largest number of homeless in the UK, outside of London. .. In some ways we are part of the problem, because we offer food nearby.
KERRY DEVINE BBC: Sometimes you will see groups of people .. sat here, drinking. You walk back after work and there’s litter everywhere.
BRIAN PEARCE RAILWORLD: We did think about putting a picnic table here to encourage people to sit down here, because it’s so fabulous. But what happens when these people have been here, nothing but rubbish. It does your head in really. You go to the archways, and I can assure you you’ll find probably 200 empty bottles of cider, cans, we’ve got a real big drink problem.
KERRY DEVINE BBC: Peterborough Environment City Trust .. they have a litter pick here once a month.

FIONA RADIC GREEN PARTY: I’m not sure we should conflate the migration issue with the homeless issue.  People are not uniquely immigrants who are homeless. We’ve got an increasing number of people who are homeless, wherever they’re coming from, and however long they’ve been here.
PAUL STAINTON BBC: But it does add to the problem.
FIONA RADIC GREEN PARTY: I’m not convinced. .. I think the problem is there anyway. Peterborough has apparently very high figures of homelessness. That doesn’t make sense, because we have empty accommodation. .. I live very near a block of flats which at one point was only one third occupied. So then you have to ask, well why aren’t people living in the accommodation. And I think there’s an element where people are actually opting right out of the system. They’ve had it. They’re seeing through the help agencies, to something which is broken as far as they’re concerned. And if that’s happening, then it doesn’t really matter where they’re from.
PAUL STAINTON: We did ask the Council to come on this morning and talk to us about what is happening down on the Embankment, and they sent us a statement. “We have visited the site in the past few weeks, and although there was evidence to suggest someone had been sleeping rough there, we don’t believe they are currently. We urge anyone who is aware of someone sleeping rough to contact the Council .. so that we can make contact with these people and help them.”


Hand Made in Peterborough

08:24 Tuesday 25th October 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY BURROWS: With two months to go until Christmas, a campaign has been started to get people to buy hand made in Peterborough. We’re being asked to support everything from school Christmas fairs, to the hand made markets in Peterborough city centre. The group Hand Made in Peterborough says it supports the local economy, and is better quality and value for money. Jo Taylor has been off to find out what it’s all about. Continue reading “Hand Made in Peterborough”