Interview with Angus Ellis: March 8th 2010

Interview between Paul Stainton BBC Radio Peterborough and Angus Ellis of the Public and Commercial Services Union on Monday 8th March at 08:15 am from the picket line in Peterborough.

Interview between Paul Stainton BBC Radio Peterborough and Angus Ellis of the Public and Commercial Services Union on Monday 8th March at 08:15 am from the picket line in Peterborough.

PS: Civil servants are striking nationwide and across Peterborough this morning. Members of the Public and Commercial Services Union have begun a two day action over redundancy pay. In Peterborough hundreds of people have gone on strike, JobCentrePlus staff, the Passport Offices, if you’re due in Court today you’ve got a reprieve, they’re on strike. The Tax Office are amongst those affected as well. Angus Ellis is from the PCS. He’s at the picket line outside JobCentrePlus this morning. Good morning Angus.
AE: Good morning from a very cold picket line.
PS: Yes it’s very cold out there this morning. Has that put people off?

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BBC Peterborough March 8th 2010

BBC Radio Peterborough programme summary for Monday 8th March 2010

Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Ben Stevenson

Topics: Council leader sets out his defence in the cash for consultants investigation. Panorama report shows Peterborough NHS miscertified in 75% of standards checks. Peterborough United manager reviews his situation. PCSU strikes underway against changes to redundancy terms. Accusations of electioneering around the Afghan conflict. OSCAR reports. Inside Out preview: Stilton cheese wrangle. New household recycling centre proposed for south of city. RSA  launches “Citizen Power” initiative in Peterborough. Six local venues accept lightbulbs and batteries for recycling.

Interviewees: Mike Fletcher Cllr. and Chairman Sustainable Growth Scrutiny Committee. Hugh Lanning Deputy General Secretary Public and Commercial Services Union. Marco Cereste Cllr. and Council Leader. Angus Ellis Public and Commercial Services Union. Peterborough United FC Club Mascot “Peter Burrow”. Leslie Ebbetts Fashion Journalist.

Brands Mentioned: Tesco. Morrisons. Aldi. Stilton Cheesemakers’ Association. Atkins. Amtec Consulting.
