Democracy the Victim of a Council in Chaos

07:10 Thursday 23rd February 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON:The Mayor kept overruling herself, didn’t she, at various points?
DARREN FOWER LIBDEM CLLR: It’s laughable that you’ve got people in positions, and they don’t know their elbow from other parts of their body. It doesn’t help with the meeting. It’s not smooth and there’s confusion and misiniformation. Some of the councillors don’t know the constitution, and what they can do. There’s also this issue of when an opposition councillor stands up and makes a point, they get shouted down, and told to sit down. And the ruling Conservative administration stand up and they’re entitled or given almost complete carte blanche to make their points. It’s not right, and it’s not fair. I just urge more people to go along to these meetings, because they are free and they are public, and you do have the benefit of leaving when you want, unlike the councillors.
PAUL STAINTON: Well if you were watching the Twitter feed from Matthew Reville from the Evening Telegraph last night, ..
PAUL STAINTON: .. we all got the gist of how ridiculous the meeting was at times.


Marco Cereste Tightens His Grip on Peterborough

08:08 Tuesday 17th May 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: It’s all change at Peterborough City Council following an eventful meeting at the Town Hall last night. Council Leader Marco Cereste made a few changes to his Cabinet. Matthew Dalton and Wayne Fitzgerald given new roles. Meanwhile, Councillor Paula Thacker was unveiled as the new Mayor of Peterborough, taking over from the very very hardworking Keith Sharp. Here to explain the changes is the new, old, Leader, Marco Cereste. Good morning.
MARCO CERESTE: Good morning Paul. How are you?
PAUL STAINTON: I’m very good. Congratulations on your reappointment as Council Leader, or Leader of the Conservatives, or both, or whatever.
PAUL STAINTON: So, a few changes Marco. Why did you feel you needed to shake things up a bit? Continue reading “Marco Cereste Tightens His Grip on Peterborough”

Labour Back in Force in Peterborough

07:08 Friday 6th May 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Now, last night, passion, turnout, jubilation. (AUDIO: CHANTING AND CLAPPING) Who says local elections don’t count? Who says nobody cares? Jubilant scenes last night in Peterborough. 19 seats up for grabs. Leader Marco Cereste increased his majority in Stanground Central, but he watched in agony as his Tory Party lost 4 seats to Labour. Continue reading “Labour Back in Force in Peterborough”

BBC Peterborough Local Election Analysis

07:58 Monday 18th April 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: The city’s going to be going to the polls of course on Thursday May 5th. This year’s local elections the first big test for the Coalition. And as if one election wasn’t enough, you’ll also be able to vote on a change to the way we vote of course. But what about Peterborough City Council elections? Our political reporter Steve Titman looks ahead. Continue reading “BBC Peterborough Local Election Analysis”