08:08 Friday 24th August 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
ANDY GALL: After weeks of being closed, Bretton Water Park should reopen this weekend. The Park had to suddenly shut after several children became ill. It’s thought that there was an outbreak of norovirus at the site. .. We can now speak to Paul Phillipson who’s Operations Director at Peterborough City Council. First of all, how likely is it that the Park will be open tomorrow for the Bank Holiday weekend?
PAUL PHILLIPSON: 99.9% certain. We still haven’t got the certification results yet. They’re not through ’till just past lunchtime today, but the early indications are that the water quality is perfectly OK. So I can reassure the public that they can turn up at ten o’clock tomorrow morning, and the Park will be open up and running for them. .. I can, hand on heart, say, if you want to be there at ten o’clock tomorrow morning, it will be there and open.”
Later that day …
Bretton Water Park stays closed after E. coli discovery