Peterborough News 21st December 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Tuesday 21st December 2010.

Industry rumours indicate that Norwich and Peterborough will be fined by the Financial Services Authority for failings related to the failed investment in Keydata.
Norwich and Peterborough have also confirmed that they could be subject to a merger bid, or some other form of outside investment.
Cambridgeshire Police report a fall in overall crime with some categories up and others down.
According to a Peterborough travel company airports and railway stations are starting to get a grip on the situation regarding delays and backlogs currently being experienced.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 21st December 2010”

Norwich and Peterborough Keydata Statement

From the Peterborough Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire read out by Paul Stainton just after 08:15 on Wednesday 29th September 2010.


PS: Norwich and Peterborough have sent us a statement this morning. This from them. They welcome the announcement by the FSCS that there are grounds on which to consider claims by Keydata investors for compensations from the FSCS. This removes the important areas of uncertainty for our Keydata investors. We look forward to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme’s further announcement regarding the amount of compensation to be payable when the picture becomes clearer. The Society is also very aware this is not the end of the issue for all of its Keydata customers. There are a number of dimensions to the Keydata situation, and N&P continues to be actively and productively engaged in discussions with a number of relevant parties with a view to seeking a resolution to the Keydata situations for its customers.

Matthew Bullock Norwich & Peterborough on Keydata Compensation

Matthew Bullock Chief Executive at the Norwich and Peterborough Building Society talks to the BBC’s Andy Gall about timescales, and about the likely factors affecting the level of compensation to be paid out to investors in the failed Keydata product, and reassures the Members that any final order would be manageable from their resources. Continue reading “Matthew Bullock Norwich & Peterborough on Keydata Compensation”

Peterborough News 27th August 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Friday 27th August 2010.

Royal Bank of Scotland has said it will close its Peterborough office during the scond half of 2012 with the loss of more than 700 jobs.
The Norwich & Peterborough say that even an order to pay 100% compensation to all its Keydata investors would not threaten the company’s financial stability.
Peterborough ratepayers will be consulted next week in the Council publication “Your Peterborough” and elsewhere on proposals for a future transport plan for the city.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 27th August 2010”

Matthew Bullock Norwich & Peterborough on the Keydata Decision

AG: There’s been a breakthrough for investors who lost savings in the collapsed firm Keydata. Many bought their plans through the Norwich & Peterborough Building Society, and yesterday the Financial Ombudsman ruled in a test case in favour of a retired couple who lost twenty eight thousand pounds. He said the Norwich & Peterborough had mis-sold the plans, and exposed their customers to inappropriate risk. And Matthew Bullock is Chief Executive of the Norwich & Peterborough and joins us now. Good morning Matthew.
Continue reading “Matthew Bullock Norwich & Peterborough on the Keydata Decision”

Peterborough News 19th August 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Thursday 19th August 2010.

Norwich and Peterborough Building Society has been told by the Financial Ombudsman that they must compensate an investor for their losses after being advised to invest in Keydata. This is regarded as a test case for 3000+ other investors, but NPBS say this is a provisional judgement.
A-Level results are out today and students will find out if they have the grades they require to attend university, as competition increases for places.
Cambridge University researchers say that low grade kidneys from deceased patients can still be used succesful for transplants, meaning that many on the waiting list could have their operations sooner.
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Norwich and Peterborough Offers Loans to Keydata Investors

Matthew Bullock Chief Executive of Norwich and Peterborough outlines to the BBC’s Paul Stainton his plans to offer interest-free loans to investors who may have been adversely affected by the collapse of Keydata Investment Services. Broadcast at 07:10 on Monday 7th June 2010 in the Peterborough Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.

Matthew Bullock Chief Executive of Norwich and Peterborough outlines to the BBC’s Paul Stainton his plans to offer interest-free loans to investors who may have been adversely affected by the collapse of Keydata Investment Services. Broadcast at 07:10 on Monday 7th June 2010 in the Peterborough Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.
Continue reading “Norwich and Peterborough Offers Loans to Keydata Investors”

Peterborough News 7th June 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Monday 7th June 2010. News travel weather and interviews.

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Monday 7th June 2010. News travel weather and interviews.

The Norwich and Peterborough Building Society is offering interest-free loans to investors adversely affected by the Keydata losses.
Plans to close down Millfield GP Surgery have met with strong opposition.
Government has told councils to be more transparent over their spending and a Peterborough Council spokesman describes ways in which they are complying with this request.
The PECT Green Festival finale went off successfully at the weekend although no records were broken.
City centre Sports Lounge has been granted permission to have a road closed and an open air bar and viewing screens erected for World Cup football matches excluding the Slovenia game.
According to the CBI sick leave is at a 23 year low.
Staff at the Wheatsheaf Pub Eastfield Road have elected to change their names by deed poll to Wayne Rooney during the World Cup.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 7th June 2010”