A disagreement has arisen on Peterborough City Council over just how effective the new Neighbourhood Councils are, whether they achieve what they claim to do, and whether the money is wasted. The debate begins with two interviews with Councillors broadcast at 07:09 and 08:10 respectively on Thursday June 3rd in the Peterborough Breakfast Show hosted by Andy Gall on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire. The first interview for the prosecution is with Cllr Steven Goldspink from the English Democrat Party. The second interview for the defence is with Cllr Peter Hiller Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood, Housing and Community Development.
This is followed by two more interviews broadcast on the next day, Friday 4th June at 07:35, with Doreen Murray a former councillor from the Ortons and an opponent of the current Councils and Chris York the unsuccesful Labour PPC for N.W.Cambridgeshire, who believes they offer some value.
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