Stewart Jackson On Political Engagement

17:07 Friday 22nd November 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[C]HRIS MANN: This hour we’re asking why do so few people vote or get involved in public life. Why are people apparently turning their backs on the idea of the Big Society? Is it apathy? And does anyone care? Is the answer that we should be able to do more on-line, like vote in referenda and elections? Yesterday there were local elections in the county, and about one in three bothered to vote. In the PCC elections a year ago fewer than 15% voted. And now the idea of neighbourhood panels has been scrapped here in East Cambs, because no-one it appeared was bothering to attend. So much for the Big vaunted Society the Prime Minister had put so much store by. Well earlier I asked Conservative MP for Peterborough Stewart Jackson what was in the theory, and what was it all supposed to be about?
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Public Told to Stop Asking Questions at Neighbourhood Council Meetings

07:13 Monday 11th July 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: There’s more criticism of Neighbourhood Councils in Peterborough, which are designed to promote democracy in the city. The way they are run was reviewed, but Dale McKean went to one of the revamped meetings the other night, and thinks actually they’re worse. Let’s speak to him. Morning Dale.
DALE MCKEAN: Good morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: What happened at this Neighbourhood meeting then? Continue reading “Public Told to Stop Asking Questions at Neighbourhood Council Meetings”

John Fox on Neighbourhood Council Allowances

07:08 Tuesday 8th February 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Now the decision to scrap extra expenses for the three Chairmen of the Neighbourhood Councils has been passed on to the Independent Renumeration Panel. The idea to cut the allowances came after seven councillors conducted a report into the scheme, which was commissioned by Council Leader Marco Cereste. Abolishing the extra expenses would save the Council and us over £21,000 a year. John Fox is one of the seven councillors who was asked to carry out the review. He’s with us this morning. Morning John.
JOHN FOX: Morning. How are you?
PAUL STAINTON: I’m very good. So you were all tasked with carrying out a review. And then your opinion’s not good enough. Continue reading “John Fox on Neighbourhood Council Allowances”

Citizen Power “A Mirage”

07:10 Monday 7th February 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: this morning we’re also asking if the Big Society is working anywhere, and especially here in Peterborough. A review will be presented later on the city’s seven Neighbourhood Councils, which cost the Council over £200,000 a year. But the criticisms are, are enough people turning up to make them worthwhile? At the same time, Council is spending a quarter of a million pounds over two years on Citizen Power Peterborough, which is also tasked with getting residents more involved in shaping the city’s future. Last week, of course, Liverpool Council gave up on the Big Society. So what should we do in Peterborough? On the line to discuss this, one of the councillors behind the review into Neighbourhood Councils, English Democrat Stephen Goldspink. Morning Stephen.
PAUL STAINTON: Shall we just get rid of it? It seems like it’s a dead dog. Continue reading “Citizen Power “A Mirage””

Eric Pickles on Localism for Peterborough

Eric Pickles MP Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government will be launching the Government’s Localism Bill today, which aims to devolve various powers down to local level. The BBC’s Paul Stainton asks Mr Pickles exactly how that might work in Peterborough, where Neighbourhood Councils have received a less than warm welcome and bank funding for new enterprises is practically non-existent.

Extract: ERIC PICKLES: Hey I’ll tell you what. You ask the questions. I’ll give you an answer. If you don’t like the answer, ask me another question.
Continue reading “Eric Pickles on Localism for Peterborough”

What Now for Peterborough’s Neighbourhood Councils?

The way Neighbourhood Councils are being run in Peterborough could soon change. The new proposal would see the twenty five thousand pounds given to Neighbourhoods come from a different source. If approved, the changes would also see the meetings take place less often.
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Pensioners Must Pay More for Allotments

As part of their programme of cuts, Peterborough City Council is ending its discount for pensioners who cultivate an allotment. A senior councillor questions the integrity of this policy, and asks how it fits with the Council’s stated aim to become Home of Environment Capital. And the councillor suspects that Peterborough Council may have a darker motive.
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Nick Sandford on Coalition and on Budget Cuts for 2011

Responding to Marco Cereste’s earlier interview on how the Council intends to weather the approaching financial storm, Peterborough Liberal Democrat Nick Sandford spells out the way that a democratic coalition government works, and calls for an open debate on cuts at a neighbourhood level.
Continue reading “Nick Sandford on Coalition and on Budget Cuts for 2011”