17:45 Tuesday 18th December 2012
Drive BBC Radio Cambridge
[C]HRIS MANN: Microsoft have opened a new research building in Cambridge. The new six storey office in Station Road was designed by Chetwoods Architects, which is part of the CB1 masterplan. Sven Töpel is the Chief Executive of Brookgate, who are the developers. Hello Sven.
SVEN TÖPEL: Hello. Good evening.
CHRIS MANN: Tell us more about the new building that’s opened today.
SVEN TÖPEL: Yes, it’s the first major office building, new built office building, down Station Road. And it will become, as you said, the home for Microsoft Research in Cambridge. And they will be moving in shortly after the Christmas break. The furniture and other matters are happening as we speak, so it’s very exciting.
CHRIS MANN: Obviously Microsoft’s a big deal. This is their European headquarters. Continue reading “CB1 Welcomes Microsoft”