eHospital at Addenbrookes – Monitor has renewed concerns

17:11 Friday 31st August 2015
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

DAVE WEBSTER: Twelve months after an investigation into the financial situation at the county’s biggest hospital, they’re under investigation again for the same issue. This time part of the problem Monitor the health regulator are looking at is the eHospital computer programme. It cost £200 million. The patient record system promised to put all information available on a patient and their treatment in one place, allowing doctors to provide efficient and effective treatment. Well that was ten months ago, and the system and the finances surrounding its introduction are now under the microscope. Joining me now is Stephen Hay who is the managing Director of the health regulator Monitor. Good evening Stephen. Thanks for joining us.
STEPHEN HAY: Good evening Dave. Pleased to be here.
DAVE WEBSTER: So why just a year after you ended action over concerns about finances and the way the hospital’s run, have you opened up a new file?
Continue reading “eHospital at Addenbrookes – Monitor has renewed concerns”

Labour Lord Hunt On Monitor’s Rescue Plan For Peterborough City Hospital

08:18 Friday 13th September 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[P]AUL STAINTON: More efficiency savings and better use of all the Hospital’s resources will help dig Peterborough City Hospital out of the financial soup. That’s according to officials from the health service regulator Monitor, who laid out their plan to sort out the Hospital’s money worries yesterday. David Bennett is the CEO of Monitor. He says they have faith in the measures they’re about to put in place. (TAPE)
DAVID BENNETT: We are the ones who are going to have to explain to the Department of Health why it is they’re going to have to continue to provide for maybe thirty years a continuing subsidy. So it’s essential that we can reassure ourselves and the Department everything has been done that can reasonably be done to minimise the amount of that subsidy. (LIVE)
PAUL STAINTON: Well the Trust running the Hospital currently suffers from a yearly deficit of course of nearly £40 million. The difficulties started with the infamous signing of the Private Finance Initiative to get the money to actually build the Hospital, money that needs to be paid back of course, over this incredible thirty one years. Now under the terms of the recovery plan, parts of the Hospital may have to be leased out to private providers, to help plug the financial gap. Lord Hunt is Labour’s Deputy Leader at the Lords, and their Spokesman on the NHS. Morning.
LORD HUNT: Good morning.
PAUL STAINTON: How much do you think Labour’s PFI policy had to do with the troubles that we’re in in Peterborough now? Continue reading “Labour Lord Hunt On Monitor’s Rescue Plan For Peterborough City Hospital”