07:40 Tuesday 19th January 2016
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
DOTTY MCLEOD: The sale of RAF’s Alconbury and Molesworth sites for housing will bring challenges. This is according to the Executive Leader of Huntingdonshire District Council. Let’s hear from Jason Ablewhite now. (TAPE)
JASON ABLEWHITE: The Government has an aspiration to deliver housing on Molesworth. If you look at it geographically in our district it’s right on the edge. It is 15 miles from Huntingdon. It’s about 10 miles from Thrapston which is its nearest conurbation in Northamptonshire. And it really would be a stand-alone in the middle of nowhere development. And to make that sustainable with the access challenges of bringing that sort of development to that site out on the A14 brings us huge huge challenges. (LIVE)
DOTTY MCLEOD: Well Jason Ablewhite’s comments there come after the Ministry of Defence announced the sale of those RAF sites along with Mildenhall in Suffolk. 12 bases in total are being sold, and the Government says the disposal will generate £500 million, providing land for around 15,000 new homes. Tim Alban is the district councillor for Stilton ward on Huntingdonshire District Council. Morning Tim.
TIM ALBAN: Morning Dotty.
DOTTY MCLEOD: What’s your reaction then to this news? Do you share Jason’s concerns?
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Development at RAF Molesworth some way away
Molesworth just is a single track road at the moment around three villages.