South Cambs invests more in housing activity to generate income

17:41 Wednesday 4th November 2015
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: Plans to expand a South Cambridgeshire District Council-owned housing company are being considered. It follows an eighteen month pilot project, which revealed that hundreds of thousands of pounds could be generated and then re-invested in services for people in the district. Let’s find out more now, and speak to councillor Mark Howell, who is the Cabinet Member for Housing on South Cambs District. Mark, welcome.
MARK HOWELL: Good evening Chris.
CHRIS MANN: This pilot project, how’s it gone?
MARK HOWELL: Very well. What we’ve been doing is looking at all different strands that we can possibly imagine. We have been renting houses out, and also buying houses, selling them on, and renting them out for other people. And we’ve been generating money. It’s been very very good.
CHRIS MANN: Who benefits from this?
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Spare room subsidy debate at BBC Cambridgeshire

09:22 Friday 7th November 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: We’re asking this morning is it time to scrap the so-called bedroom tax. Figures from Cambridge City Council reveal that one in five people in the city have fallen behind with their rent. Only 5% of people have actually managed to downsize their accommodation. And it’s not just in Cambridge. Sally Chicken is from the Rainbow Saver Credit Union in Peterborough. They’ve seen similar problems in the north of the county too.
SALLY CHICKEN: Well what we’ve seen is members coming in trying to make ends meet because they’ve had their housing benefit cut. And then they’re either not able to move into a smaller property, or there just isn’t a smaller property available for them to move into.
PAUL STAINTON: Sally also agrees with Rob who we spoke to, Rob Nixon, a few moments ago. She says it’s been a huge problem, the spare room subsidy, for the disabled.
SALLY CHICKEN: Especially for disabled people. I don’t know if you know, but if a disabled couple are both disabled, they are still only entitled to a one bedroomed property. And we’ve had several members who have been just devastated because they can’t physical share a bedroom because of the disability, still being told they are not entitled to a two bedroomed property.
(LIVE) ..
PAUL STAINTON: So should one of the Coalition’s most controversial policies be scrapped? We’ve invited three councillors from across the county and the political spectrum. In the blue corner, representing the Conservatives, councillor Mark Howell, Cabinet member for Housing on South Cambridgeshire District Council. Morning.
MARK HOWELL: Good morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: In the red corner from the Labour party, Peterborough Parliamentary Candidate and city councillor Lisa Forbes. Lisa, morning.
LISA FORBES: Good morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: And in the yellow corner for the LibDems, Deputy Group Leader of the Cambridge LibDems Catherine Smart. Catherine, morning.
CATHERINE SMART: Good morning.
PAUL STAINTON: Mark I’m going to start with you, because this is essentially a Conservative policy, isn’t it. Is it right, is it fair, is it just, or should it be scrapped?
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Ashley Walsh On Free School Dinners

17:42 Friday 13th December 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[C]HRIS MANN: The Government’s pledge for free school lunches has been questioned by another Cambridgeshire councillor. From September next year, all 5 to 7 year olds in primary schools could be entitled to a free hot dinner. Ashley Walsh .. the Labour councillor for Petersfield is questioning whether our county’s schools are able to serve up that promise. Ashley, tell us what your concern is.
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South Cambridgeshire Council Ventures Into The Housing Market

17:42 Thursday 28th November 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[C]HRIS MANN: A £7 million housing project in South Cambridgeshire has been given the thumbs up this afternoon. The District Council approved a project which they say will produce an annual income to pump back into supporting other Council services. Mark Howell is the Cabinet Member for South Cambridgshire District Council in charge of Housing and he joins me now. Hello Mark.
MARK HOWELL: Good evening Chris.
CHRIS MANN: So this was approved today. What is this scheme? Explain how it would work.
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