Interview with Mike Fletcher: 1st March 2010

Andy Gall interviewing Peterborough City Cllr. Mike Fletcher on BBC Radio Peterborough at 07:10 am 1st March 2010 icw a legal challenge to the release of details of payments made by Peterborough City Council to consultants.

Andy Gall interviewing Peterborough City Cllr. Mike Fletcher on BBC Radio Peterborough at 07:10 am 1st March 2010 icw a legal challenge to the release of details of payments made by Peterborough City Council to consultants.


AG: It has emerged that Peterborough City Council, it’s rumoured that it’s spending nine million pounds a year on expert consultants. The figure has gone up. Last year it was revealed that the local authority spent eight million pounds on consultants and temporary staff between July 2007 and June 2008. At the time it said that employing consultants actually saves the council money. And Councillor Mike Fletcher is Chairman of the Sustainable Growth Scrutiny Committee.and joins us now. Good morning Mike.
MF: Good morning to you.
AG: Thank you, well we’ll play this with a straight bat. So you were told the figure by the City Council’s Head of Finance weren’t you.
MF: Finance, that’s right, and er if I could tell you the background to this, like many other councillors, I share a serious concern over the council’s use of, and reliance upon consultants. At a Scrutiny Co-ordination meeting, held on the 27th. January, I was told by the Head of Finance that last year the Council paid consultants a total of £9 million pounds. And work that out, that is £750,000 per month, or the equivalent of 90 senior managers on £100,000 a year. neither is this a one-off payment. Similar amounts have been paid, year after year.
AG: So why is there a culture of this, then? What do you put it down to?
MF: Well, I er I don’t know. And that’s why I’ve asked these questions. I want some answers, so that we all know. There may be a very good reason for consultants to be employed. But if we don’t know, then it seems, it remains a mystery, doesn’t it?
AG: We’ve been told that the consultancy firm in question is threatening legal action, if the Council reveals what it’s being used for.
Continue reading “Interview with Mike Fletcher: 1st March 2010”

BBC Peterborough 26th February 2010

Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Ben Stevenson

Topics: Community Leadership Fund cash goes unspent in wards. The health risk associated with energy drinks. Sexualisation of children by media a cause for concern. Local dyslexic woman overcomes her difficulties and wants to help others. Peterborough Festival: big names wanted. Lloyds Bank Group reports losses. Dragon Boats go on display. Local pub offers 3-D TV.

Interviewees: John Fox Peterborough City Cllr. Diane O’Carroll Naked Scientists. Dave King Peterborough Festival. Linda Papodopolis Author. Robert Talbot Royal London Asset Management. Marco Cereste Peterborough City Council Leader. Simon Baker Sports Lounge Pub Landlord. Michelle Douglas Dyslexic. Darren Fox Rugby Player. Kevin Lumb Gildenburgh Printing Company.

Brands Mentioned:  Sports Lounge. Cadburys. Red Bull. Showcase Cinema. Lloyds Banking Group. Royal London Asset Management. Gildenburgh Printing Company. Gable Events.

Interview with Marco Cereste: 25th February 2010

Paul Stainton interviewing Marco Cereste on BBC Radio Peterborough at 08:10 am on February 25th 2010, icw the controversial budget passed by Council on February 24th 2010.

Paul Stainton interviewing Marco Cereste on BBC Radio Peterborough at 08:10 am on February 25th 2010, icw the controversial budget passed by Council on February 24th 2010.


PS:  Well Council Leader Marco Cereste is with us this morning.  Morning Marco.
MC: Morning Paul, how are you?
PS:  I’m very good. You’re not the most popular man in Peterborough this morning.
MC: Well, there you go,. That’s the problem with being a politician. You can’t please all of the people all of the time.
PS:  Some very difficult choices had to be made this year.
MC: Yeah .. very .. well, you know I’m not so sure that that is exactly right. I mean, to be fair everybody’s prot… or the youngsters are protesting about the buses, and to be, to be completely honest there won’t be a single person in this city who, when they need a bus, can’t catch a bus. And, you know, I’ve gone through this with a tooth comb, my Cabinet members have gone through this with a  tooth comb, in fact in many places in our city the bus service will be enhanced because there’ll be bus services where there weren’t before. So, I understand that nobody likes change, but the reality of it is, even Cllr Sandford said last night, in council, that if you wanted to catch a bus at ten o’clock at night, from Walton to the Showcase cinema, you might not get one. But as far as I know, that may be the only bus service that has been affected.
PS:  Yeah, but but but how do you square ..
Continue reading “Interview with Marco Cereste: 25th February 2010”

BBC Peterborough 25th February 2010

Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Ben Stevenson

Topics: Tory Council budget row rumbles on. School meal subsidy cuts. Anglian Water invests £100 million in new facilities. Toyota vehicles given the all-clear by local dealer. Parking issues for city centre church. Local NHS continues to publish wrong number. Unacceptable salt levels in shop and cafe soups. Book talk.

Interviewees: Darren Fower Peterborough City Cllr. Prof. Graham McGregor Consensus Action on Salt and Health. Tom Trevarthen Peterborough Youth Council. Mary Foreman Head Dogsthorpe Junior School. Father David Jennings St Peter and All Souls Church. Marco Cereste Peterborough City Council Leader. Richard Chard Motorpoint Ltd. Andrew Mackintosh Anglian Water. Anne Elmore Waterstones Bookshop.

Brands Mentioned:  Anglian Water. Toyota. Eat Cafe. Pret a Manger. Sainsburys. Primark. Waterstones.


Presenter: Andy Gall

Topics:  Questions raised over the price paid by Peterborough City Council for Peterborough United FC’s ground. Stewart Jackson MP may report council for misuse of public funds over the purchase of a city centre propertry for a new Healthy Lifestyle Centre. Military hospitals are under pressure. KRAFT announces plans to close the Cadbury plant in Bristol, despite pledges. Peterborough A&E NHS triage plans welcomed. Toyota begins UK warranty repairs today. Obesity in hedgehogs.

Interviewees: Graham Murphy English Democrat Cllr. Richard Chard Motorpoint Peterborough. Celia Kendrick Nurse Peterborough NHS. Julie Orr Sister Peterborough NHS. Katherine Lyon Shepreth Wildlife Park. Marco Cereste Leader Peterborough City Council. Stewart Jackson MP. Jeremy Bennett Automotive Management Magazine. Simon Turpin Charted Surveyor and FOI Requester.

Companies Mentioned:  Kraft. Toyota. Motorpoint. Lancia. GVA Grimley.



Presenter: Paul Stainton

Topics:  NHS Peterborough overspend. Out-of-hours GP patient deaths. National Trust Fresh Air Festival. Faulty Toyotas – warranty bills. MPs’ expenses report due out today. Men at Work single plagiarism verdict. Peterborough teenage pregnancy viral campaign. British Gas cuts prices. Former BBC Peterborough worker launches fashion range. QVC shopping survey.

Interviewees: Angela Baily retiring CE NHS Peterborough. Stewart Jackson MP. Sue Gooch Vera James Care Home Ely. Dr Andrew Seywood Cambs Police Independent Medical Consultant. Howard Cooper National Trust. Kay Elmy Peterborough City Council Contraceptive and Sexual Health Service. Phil Bentley British Gas (Tape). Graham Murphy Peterborough City Councillor. Blessed Platinum ex-BBC. Norman Lamb LibDem MP and Health Spokesman. Alice Beer ex-BBC Watchdog Presenter.

Companies Mentioned:  Larrikin Music. Toyota. Vera James Care Home. QVC. Sainsburys. Take Care Now


Presenter: Paul Stainton

Topics:  Planned changes to local bus services. Doorstep milk theft update. PUFC new manager comment. Michael Jackson’s doctor faces prosecution. JLS condom promotion – safe sex campaign. Cat is augury of death. Werrington energy monitor trial. Chippendales promotion.

Interviewees: Nick Sandford Peterborough City Councillor. Adi Mowles POSH Independent Supporters Association. Oz Merrygold relative of JLS band member. Kay Elmy Peterborough City Council Head of Contraceptive and Sexual Health Services. Pete Hiller Peterborough City Councillor. Pam Mackinnon Talking Dogs Whittlesea. Jenna Hiley  City Council Climate Change Officer. Steven Lane Peterborough City Councillor. Lind Walter Chippendales.

Companies Mentioned: Dairy Crest. Propofol (AstraZeneca).


Presenter: Paul Stainton

Topics:  Peterborough Primary Care Trust overspend. Prosopagnosia. Nuffield Trust NHS efficiency report. Evangelicism. Peterborough Museum lunchtime lectures.

Interviewees: Cllr Graham Murphy. Bob Satchwell Society of Editors. Dr Ashup Jantari University of East London. Marco Cereste. Steven Evans Dean of Rutland.

Companies Mentioned: Reed Recruitment. Fratellis Restaurant. Premier Foods. Opportunity Peterborough