Nick Sandford on senior officer salaries and the financial competence of the local authority

07:39 Wednesday 8th October 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

DOTTY MCLEOD: Now if I offered to increase your salary by nearly 50%, what would you think? I’m guessing you might think it’s a pretty good offer, too good to be true maybe. Well what if you’re the new Director of Public Health at Peterborough City Council? At a meeting this evening, the authority will ask permission to appoint a new Director, but they won’t be given the old salary of £80,000 that the previous Director was paid. Oh no! They will be paid just under £118,000. That’s a rise of nearly £38,000 a year. The City Council says the increase is necessary to compete with other health sectors and other local authorities. Let’s speak to the Leader of the Liberal Democrats in Peterborough, Nick Sandford. What do you make of this new salary that’s being proposed Nick?
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LGA Calls For Developers To Stop Hoarding Land And Get Building Houses

17:40 Thursday 22nd August 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[C]HRIS MANN: Almost 400,000 homes in England have been given planning permission, but have yet to be built. The Local Government Association study found that little progress had been made in reducing the backlog over the past year. It comes after plans for another 1,600 homes were given the go-ahead in the Cambridge area just yesterday. Joining me in the studio now is Cllr Nick Wright, who’s the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development on South Cambs Council. Hello Nick.
NICK WRIGHT: Good evening Chris.
CHRIS MANN: And on the phone, joining us from London, is Cllr Clyde Loakes ..
CLYDE LOAKES: Good evening.
CHRIS MANN: .. who’s Vice Chair of the Local Government Association’s Environment and Housing Board, and who is a councillor in Waltham Forest, down there in the smoke. So Clyde, tell us about this study. Just how bad are things? Continue reading “LGA Calls For Developers To Stop Hoarding Land And Get Building Houses”