Peter Boizot on the Broadway Theatre

08:06 Wednesday 3rd August 2011

Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Peterborough entrepreneur Peter Boizot has been speaking about his disappointment over the Broadway Theatre fiasco. Mr Boizot bought the theatre in the late 1990’s, when it was under threat of demolition. He later sold it to its current owner, but says he had hoped it would be more succesful. Suzie Roberts went to speak to Peter at his home in Peterborough, where she asked him about his earliest memories of the Broadway Theatre. Continue reading “Peter Boizot on the Broadway Theatre”

Peterborough News 11th November 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Thusday 11th November 2010.

Living longer: according to charity PRIME 20% of over 50s in Peterborough cannot find work yet the pension age rises.
Bans on public drinking are to be set up in more parts of Peterborough.
The landlord of the Crown Pub Millfield says there are too many off-licensed outlets in Millfield and drunkenness is rife.
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Peterborough News 27th October 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Wednesday 27th October 2010.

Shailesh Vara MP Cllr John Holdich and the two headteachers concerned travelled to London to lobby for improvement work to Stanground and Orton Longueville Schools. They were told there could be some general funding made available to the Council towards the end of the year, and it would be up to Council how they choose to spend it.
A co-operation between Vivaicity and the Cresset owners means that Cresset Theatre will combine their booking function with Key Theatre to save cash and guarantee the future of the Bretton venue. Note: Panto starts 9th December Jack and the Beanstalk.
A councillor reports a problem in Ravensthorpe caused by private landlords leaving houses empty, leading to dereliction and vandalism. Council are effectively dragging their heels on the problem, citing regulations preventing them taking swift action to improve the situation.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 27th October 2010”

Peterborough News 9th September 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Thursday 9th September 2010.

In an Experian survey on resiliance to the expected cuts in public spending Peterborough came 220th out of 324 cities. Government seems to be looking to Citizen Power Peterborough. A programme on the subject will be broadcast at 10:35pm on BBC1 this evening.

According to a study from Local Data Services on empty shops, Peterborough is the 12th best improver out of 150 cities polled. Improvement was only slight. Blackpool has a 30% vacancy rate. There is a clear North/South divide.

NHS Peterborough is keen to press on with handing responsibilities over to GP consortia. Small pilot projects will be running by the end of the year.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 9th September 2010”

Nick Sandford: Outsourcing Culture Sport and Heritage

This interview with Peterborough City Councillor and Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Nick Sandford takes place following the news that Peterborough City Council intend to hand responsibility for libraries, museums, sports facilities and the Key Theatre over to a charitable trust. Broadcast at 07:10 on Monday 22nd March 2010 in Paul Stainton’s BBC Peterborough Breakfast Show.

This interview with Peterborough City Councillor and Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Nick Sandford takes place following the news that Peterborough City Council intend to hand responsibility for libraries, museums, sports facilities and the Key Theatre over to a charitable trust. Broadcast at 07:10 on Monday 22nd March 2010 in Paul Stainton’s BBC Peterborough Breakfast Show.

PS: Now, the city’s libraries, museum, sports facilities and the Key Theatre may no longer be managed by the City Council. A new charitable trust could take over the running of it in order to save the Council some cash. Let’s speak to LibDem Parliamentary Candidate Nick Sandford. Morning Nick.
NS: Good morning.
PS: Sounds like a good idea.
NS: Well it’s a good idea that it might save a small amount of cash I think. In the first year it will cost the Council money with all the setup costs. But they reckon it may save up to a couple of hundred thousand. I think the major concerns that we’ve got about it are there’s going to be a significant loss of democracy and accountability. The type of trust they’ve chosen, once the trustees have been appointed they can just reappoint themselves virtually in perpetuity. And I think that leaves a number of concerns about, for instance, the Council will lose control of charges. I remember a couple of years ago there was concern that sports charges were going up over the rate of inflation. When that happened, people could go to the local councillors. When the trust has control of it people will basically have no actual say.
Continue reading “Nick Sandford: Outsourcing Culture Sport and Heritage”

Matthew Lee: Outsourcing Culture Sport and Heritage

This interview with Peterborough City Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment Capital and Culture Matthew Lee takes place following the news that Peterborough City Council intend to hand responsibility for libraries, museums, sports facilities and the Key Theatre over to a charitable trust. Broadcast at 08:10 on Monday 22nd March 2010 in Paul Stainton’s BBC Peterborough Breakfast Show.

This interview with Peterborough City Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment Capital and Culture Matthew Lee takes place following the news that Peterborough City Council intend to hand responsibility for libraries, museums, sports facilities and the Key Theatre over to a charitable trust. Broadcast at 08:10 on Monday 22nd March 2010 in Paul Stainton’s BBC Peterborough Breakfast Show.

PS: … Peterborough’s libraries, museums, and the Key Theatre may no longer be managed by the City Council. As of tomorrow a new charitable trust could take over the running of it, in order to save the Council some cash. Earlier on the show, councillor Nick Sandford expressed his reservations.
NS: (TAPE) The type of trust they’ve chosen, once the trustees have been appointed, they can just reappoint themselves virtually in perpetuity. And I think that leaves a number of concerns about, for instance, the Council will lose control over charges. I remember a couple of years ago there was concern that sports charges were going up, over the rate of inflation.
PS: That’s Nick Sandford, The LibDem candidate in the forthcoming parliamentary election. Councillor Matthew Lee is Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment Capital and Culture at Peterborough City Council. Morning Matthew.
ML: Good morning.
PS: Can you understand Nick Sandford’s reservations?
ML: Yes but they’re not true. I’ve tried to correct him and unfortunately he doesn’t seem to want to listen. Can I just reassure everybody the trustees can’t just keep reappointing themselves. They’ll be time-limited. Two of the trustees will be councillors, and they’ll be appointed by the Leader of the Council. And this is deliberate, because some charities, when you see them with their trustees, over the years the trustees don’t change, and therefore the organisation doesn’t change, so it’s very important that this trust will be bringing in new blood over the years to reinvigorate the service.
Continue reading “Matthew Lee: Outsourcing Culture Sport and Heritage”