Vince Cable Cambridge Business Week

08:09 Monday 18th March 2013
Bigger Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[P]AUL STAINTON: The Government must do more to push the Cambridge brand to help technology start-ups compete on the world stage. That’s what companies have told us this morning, as Cambridge prepares to welcome Vince Cable, the Secretary of State for Business this morning to the city’s first ever Business Week. Jeremy Cooke runs independent games developer Gameware Europe. (TAPE)
JEREMY COOKE: Vince Cable has a lot on his plate, obviously. But if we are to emerge as a major global powerhouse of digital creativity, then of course there needs to be investment in the digital creative sector. And right now there simply isn’t. There’s not a great deal going on in the UK to support the creative industries. (LIVE)
PAUL STAINTON: Well Donald McGarva is the CEO of Amino Communications, which is based in Swavesey. (TAPE)
DONALD MCGARVA: He seems to be talking a lot about these other clusters, when actually we’ve got one here that we could actually expand much much faster, and much more successfully as well. (LIVE)
PAUL STAINTON: Dr Andy Harter spoke to us earlier, the CEO of RealVNC, which is based in Cambridge, and one of the organisers of today’s event. (TAPE)
ANDY HARTER: This is the most significant technology cluster in Europe. There’s 1,500 companies, 53,000 people employed directly by it, and a current combined turnover of over £11 billion. (LIVE)
PAUL STAINTON: Well as we mentioned the Business Secretary Vince Cable is on the show this morning. Morning Mr Cable.
VINCE CABLE: Good morning to you.
PAUL STAINTON: First of all let’s take their points. Is enough being done for this industry? Is Cambridge itself, as a major hub in this sort of industry, being ignored? Continue reading “Vince Cable Cambridge Business Week”

Winter Draws On

08:10 Tuesday 9th October 2012
Bigger Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Both city councils in the county need to up their game when it comes to green issues. That’s what we’ve been hearing this morning on the show. The comments come ahead of a meeting tonight, where a new five year green strategy for Cambridge will be approved. The main target is to cut carbon emissions, something the city council’s failed to do in the past, much to the annoyance of local environmental campaigner Tony Juniper. Continue reading “Winter Draws On”

Julian Huppert on G4S and the Cambridgeshire Police Contract

17:07 Tuesday 17th July 2012
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: We start tonight with news about G4S, the company at the centre of the Olympic security shambles, and the same firm inline to take over the admin. of Cambridgeshire Police force. They’ve been named as the preferred bidder by our county’s Police Authority. But tonight, that potential deal is under intense scrutiny. It follows a humiliating appearance in front of the Home Affairs Select Committee by the Chief Executive of G4S, Nick Buckles, who said he was sorry for failing to provide thousands of promised guards for the Olympic Games, bust insisted, to the astonishment of many watching, that he still intended to claim his management fee of £57 million. He was questioned closely by Cambridge MP Julian Huppert, a member of the Committee, on a further failure by his firm, just today, when only 30 security staff turned up for an Olympic task, when 200 were contracted for. Continue reading “Julian Huppert on G4S and the Cambridgeshire Police Contract”

Julian Huppert MP of the Month

17:18 Tuesday 20th March 2012
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: Cambridge MP Julian Huppert, fresh from being voted MP of the Month, will join a panel debate for sixth form students tonight, to give his views on the War on Drugs. It’s the annual Cambridge University VIth Form Law Conference, aimed at attracting people from wide range of backgrounds. Panel members will debate:  The War on Drugs has failed. This House believes it’s time for a new approach.  Julian Huppert is a Member of the Home Affairs Select Committee of course which is conducting a major inquiry into drugs policy. He recently returned from a trip to Colombia, where he saw first hand the work taking place to tackle the drug cartels, and he joined me earlier. Continue reading “Julian Huppert MP of the Month”

Julian Huppert on Trains

17: 40 Tuesday 20th December 2011
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: Train companies have defended their decision to raise fares by an average of 5.9% in the New Year. They say the money raised will help pay for new trains and better services. The Government has limited the increase in regulated fares at 1% above inflation, which is currently 5.2%, and remaining fares have now been set. Passenger groups say some of the rises are shocking. The MP for Cambridge, Julian Huppert, is Chairman of the Liberal Democrats’ Transport Committee, and he joined me earlier to give me his reaction. Continue reading “Julian Huppert on Trains”

Julian Huppert on the Hacking Scandal

17:38 Thursday 14th July 2011
Drivetime BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

ANDY BURROWS: Just before five o’clock it was confirmed that alongside News International’s Chief Executive Rebekah Brooks, who is set to appear before a committee of MPs to answer questions about phone hacking next Tuesday, will also be Rupert Murdoch and his son James, who own News Corporation. They’d initially declined to appear on the same day as Rebekah Brooks, but then a summons was issued, and everyone seems to have rather changed their minds. They’ll appear before a group of MPs who make up the Home Affairs Select Committee. They heard evidence from those senior members of the Met Police earlier this week. One member of the committee is the Cambridge MP Julian Huppert. Mr. Huppert is on the line now. Hello to you.
JULIAN HUPPERT: Hi Andy. How are you?
ANDY BURROWS: Very well, thank you very much. Perhaps slightly surprised that you’ve managed to convince Rebekah Brooks, Rupert Murdoch and his son James to appear before you. Continue reading “Julian Huppert on the Hacking Scandal”