08:25 Friday 30th August 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
[D]OTTY MCLEOD: Britain won’t be taking military action in Syria, after the Government was defeated in a late night Commons vote. In a close result, MPs have voted against any intervention after a rebellion by thirty Conservatives and nine Liberal Democrats, those nine including Cambridge’s Julian Huppert. Action could still be taken by the United States and possibly France, but the Prime Minister told Parliament that the UK would not now be involved. (TAPE)
DAVID CAMERON: It is very clear tonight that while the House has not passed a Motion, it is clear to me that the British Parliament reflecting the views of the British people does not want to see British military action. I get that, and the Government will act accordingly. (CHEERS) (LIVE)
DOTTY MCLEOD: Well South Cambridgeshire’s Conservative MP Andrew Lansley was sitting on the front bench for the debate, had a good view. Andrew, this sounds like an electric debate. What was the atmosphere like in the Chamber? Continue reading “Andrew Lansley On The Syria Vote”