Andrew Lansley On The Syria Vote

08:25 Friday 30th August 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[D]OTTY MCLEOD: Britain won’t be taking military action in Syria, after the Government was defeated in a late night Commons vote. In a close result, MPs have voted against any intervention after a rebellion by thirty Conservatives and nine Liberal Democrats, those nine including Cambridge’s Julian Huppert. Action could still be taken by the United States and possibly France, but the Prime Minister told Parliament that the UK would not now be involved. (TAPE)
DAVID CAMERON: It is very clear tonight that while the House has not passed a Motion, it is clear to me that the British Parliament reflecting the views of the British people does not want to see British military action. I get that, and the Government will act accordingly. (CHEERS) (LIVE)
DOTTY MCLEOD: Well South Cambridgeshire’s Conservative MP Andrew Lansley was sitting on the front bench for the debate, had a good view. Andrew, this sounds like an electric debate. What was the atmosphere like in the Chamber? Continue reading “Andrew Lansley On The Syria Vote”

Julian Huppert On Terror Laws Surveillance And The Abuse Of Power

17:12 Tuesday 20th August 2013
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[C]HRIS MANN: The partner of a Guardian journalist is taking legal action after being detained by police under anti-terror laws. It comes as questions grow as to what the Government knew about the decision to take David Miranda into custody. There have been claims the action was heavy-handed, with critics saying Mr Miranda was only held to intimidate his partner Glenn Greewald, who’s published information leaked by the US security whistleblower Edward Snowden. .. Let’s get reaction to the story now from Julian Huppert, MP for Cambridge, a Member of the Home Affairs Select Committee, and the LibDem’s Home Affairs Spokesman. Continue reading “Julian Huppert On Terror Laws Surveillance And The Abuse Of Power”

No News Is Good News – Cambs Agog On A14 Upgrade

17:19 Wednesday 26th June 2013
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

JULIAN HUPPERT: I think it’s a nationally important road, and it should be funded nationally, because it’s national taxes that will benefit. I don’t think a toll is the right thing to do. We’ll hear tomorrow about the tolling.
CHRIS MANN: Is that a hint that it might not happen?
JULIAN HUPPERT: And and and I think we will have to ..
CHRIS MANN: Oh. It is a hint that it’s not happening.
JULIAN HUPPERT: Wait and see what happens tomorrow.
CHRIS MANN: Ok. Are you in the know Julian?
Continue reading “No News Is Good News – Cambs Agog On A14 Upgrade”

Julian Huppert On Bullying In Parliament

17:07 Thursday 13th June 2013
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

RONNIE BARBOUR: The question of whether bullying is a problem in the Houses of Parliament has been raised by Cambridge’s MP, who said he’d been a victim. Whenever Julian Huppert rises to speak in the Commons his words are often drowned out by jeers and groans. It’s also been suggested that Speaker John Bercow may heve encouraged the unruly behaviour by referring to Mr Huppert as “The Good Doctor”. Just before we came on air, I spoke to Mr Huppert, and I asked why he’d raised the issue of bullying in Parliament now. Continue reading “Julian Huppert On Bullying In Parliament”

Nick Pickles On William Hague and Internet Privacy

17:12 Monday 10th June 2013
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[N]ICK FAIRBAIRN: Let’s bring in Nick Pickles, who’s the Director of Big Brother Watch, who describe themselves as “defending civil liberties and protecting privacy”. Evening to you Nick.
NICK PICKLES: Good evening.
NICK FAIRBAIRN: Just give us your reaction first of all to that statement from William Hague. Continue reading “Nick Pickles On William Hague and Internet Privacy”

Cambridge Delegation On Visa Controls

08:07 Thursday 16th May 2013
Bigger Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Business leaders and academics in Cambridge are asking the Government for special dispensation when it comes to granting visas to non-EU workers. Businesses are meeting Immigration Minister Mark Harper today, and will explain how restrictions on immigration are restricting their work, Earlier we heard from Tim Hedger, Managing Director of a new school of English in Cambridge. His language school is one of the businesses meeting with Mark Harper. Earlier he told us the message he wanted to get across to the Minister today. (TAPE)
To understand exactly where we’re going, whether we can refine out some of the more illogical aspects of the system, and hopefully he will hear that economically it makes no sense to restrict us. We’re an engine for growth. We’re exporters. We employ people. We’re everything they want to get us out of these difficult times. So I hope that he’ll listen to us, and see the industry as something that’s very positive for the country. (LIVE)
PAUL STAINTON: Well Professor Jeremy Sanders is the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Institutional Affairs at the University of Cambridge, and he’s hosting two of the meetings today with the Minister. Morning Jeremy.
JEREMY SANDERS: Good morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: And also with us this morning is Liberal Democrat Cambridge MP Julian Huppert, who’s concerned that the rules mean talent is being kept out of Cambridge. Julian’s here. Morning Julian.
JULIAN HUPPERT: Good morning. How are you?
PAUL STAINTON: I’m fine, thank you. Obviously there’ll be people listening to this this morning saying talent being kept out, more immigration, more people coming in. Oh no no no no. We don’t want that. Continue reading “Cambridge Delegation On Visa Controls”

Martin Curtis Conservative Leader Cambs County Council

17:07 Friday 10th May 2013
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[C]HRIS MANN: So the man most likely to be Leader of Cambridgeshire County Council, we now know, is Cllr Martin Curtis of North Whittlesea. This afternoon he was elected to lead the Conservatives, the largest group on the Council, in place of Nick Clarke who lost his seat at last week’s elections. Martin Curtis joins me in the studio. Hello.
MARTIN CURTIS: Good afternoon Chris.
CHRIS MANN: Congratulations.
MARTIN CURTIS: Thank you very much.
CHRIS MANN: Of course you lost out to Nick Clarke before, so finally you’ve reached the top in the County.
MARTIN CURTIS: Absolutely. But I reached the top having learned a huge amount over the last two years from Nick as well.
CHRIS MANN: What’s going to change?
MARTIN CURTIS: Well I think a lot has got to change. We know that even though we’re by far and away the largest group on the County Council, we know we’re in a minority. We can only form a minority administration. And so we know that things have got to change. And it is a different style of leadership that we need, and a more collaborative one. We know that.
CHRIS MANN: Well we’ll talk some more about that in just a moment or two, but reaction to your election has come first from the most senior politician in the County, that’s the South Cambridgeshire MP and Leader of the House of Commons, Andrew Lansley. This is what he told me. Continue reading “Martin Curtis Conservative Leader Cambs County Council”

Government Money For Cambridge Cycling Safety

17:21 Thursday 4th April 2013
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

CHRIS MANN: A cycling MP has reacted with joy at the news that the city he represents is to receive £1.2 million of funding to improve safety for cyclists, and happily that city is one of our own. It’s Cambridge. And the MP is the LibDem Julian Huppert, who joins us on the line now. Hello Julian.
JULIAN HUPPERT: Hi. How are you?
CHRIS MANN: Very well thank you. Very well. And we’ve heard in the last hour that you are Parliamentarian of the Month, so congratulations. Continue reading “Government Money For Cambridge Cycling Safety”