Interview with Charles Day March 11th 2010

Charles Day Conservative councillor for Walton Peterborough explains how he was deselected without reason and speculates on the cause.

Paul Stainton interviews  Charles Day Conservative councillor for Walton, who has been deselected for the seat without being told why.
Thursday 11th March 2011, on the Peterborough Breakfast Show.

PB: Now a councillor for Walton has been left mystified after being deselected by the Peterborough Tory Party. Cllr Charles Day will be replaced by Adam Barker as the Conservative’s candidate for the next election. Charles Day is with us this morning. Morning Charles.
CD: Good morning.
PB: Not quite a perfect day. What’s going on?
CD: I have absolutely no idea.
PB: Who have you upset?
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Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Steve Titman

Topics: Stanground pre-school cleaned out by rogue treasurer. Labour disputes PM bullying claims. Portugal mourns flood victims. Addenbrookes doctors target peanut allergy. Rail disruption as weekend maintenance overruns. Peterborough mayoral contest hots up. Bretton chippie wins perfect portion award during National Chip Week. Custard creams are a top biscuit. 20,000 drivers suffer key problems annually. BA cabin crew reballot today. Eating disorders are a worry.

Interviewees: Nikki Mawby St Michael’s Pre-School Stanground. John Peach Peterborough City Cllr. Sharon Blackedge St Michael’s Pre-School Stanground Parent. Dr. Sarah Beglin Peterborough NHS.

Companies Mentioned:  First Capital Connect. Network Rail. Fryz ChipShop Bretton. Green Flag. BA. TV Easy Magazine.


Presenter: Andy Gall

Topics:  New PUFC manager. New East Coast Mainline timetable for 2011. Doorstep milk thefts. Haddon triathlete plans Atlantic swim. Cadbury/Kraft takeover. Mosque Haiti appeal raises £3000.

Interviewees: Guy Dangerfield Passenger Focus. John Peach Peterborough City Cllr . Peter Lloyd POSH Supporters Trust. Dan Martin triathlete. Abbas Bhimani Peterborough Mosque.

Companies Mentioned: Cadbury. Kraft. Continental Airlines. East Coast Mainline. Dairy Crest.