A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Wednesday 15th December 2010.
A lot of discussion today about KS2 SATs results, which cast Peterborough in a bad light. The conclusions were that SATs are an extremely divisive measure of performance, that schools can turn out well-rounded human beings without topping the league tables, and that academic success depends to a very large part on parental involvement.
EEDA have put together some funding to install electric car charging posts in this region. These are early days for electric vehicle take-up, so it remains to be seen how far this will be welcomed by the public, when electric car purchase costs are so very high, and the technology itself has yet to be a proven solution to modern day needs.
The Government will cut more from Peterborough’s budget than was forecast when the Council put together its budget plans, but the Leader thinks that those extra savings can be made without losing more staff.
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