Peterborough News 15th December 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Wednesday 15th December 2010.

A lot of discussion today about KS2 SATs results, which cast Peterborough in a bad light. The conclusions were that SATs are an extremely divisive measure of performance, that schools can turn out well-rounded human beings without topping the league tables, and that academic success depends to a very large part on parental involvement.
EEDA have put together some funding to install electric car charging posts in this region. These are early days for electric vehicle take-up, so it remains to be seen how far this will be welcomed by the public, when electric car purchase costs are so very high, and the technology itself has yet to be a proven solution to modern day needs.
The Government will cut more from Peterborough’s budget than was forecast when the Council put together its budget plans, but the Leader thinks that those extra savings can be made without losing more staff.
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Peterborough News 2nd December 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Thursday 2nd December 2010.

Orton Longueville School is in favour of becoming an academy in partnership with Swavesey Village College and under the management of Cambridge Meridian Education Trust.
This evening Peterborough Accident and Emergency Unit will transfer up to the Peterborough City Hospital. The new hospital acknowledges problems with its switchboard system.
The TSSA union is furious with Thomas Cook for cutting 500+ jobs despite making handsome profits.
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Peterborough News 27th October 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Wednesday 27th October 2010.

Shailesh Vara MP Cllr John Holdich and the two headteachers concerned travelled to London to lobby for improvement work to Stanground and Orton Longueville Schools. They were told there could be some general funding made available to the Council towards the end of the year, and it would be up to Council how they choose to spend it.
A co-operation between Vivaicity and the Cresset owners means that Cresset Theatre will combine their booking function with Key Theatre to save cash and guarantee the future of the Bretton venue. Note: Panto starts 9th December Jack and the Beanstalk.
A councillor reports a problem in Ravensthorpe caused by private landlords leaving houses empty, leading to dereliction and vandalism. Council are effectively dragging their heels on the problem, citing regulations preventing them taking swift action to improve the situation.
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Peterborough News 20th October 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Wednesday 20th October 2010.

RAF Wittering comes to terms with the loss of the Harrier, but hopes are high that another use will be found for the base, either as a logistics centre, or indeed for the Army when they withdraw from Germany.
Plans go on diplay at Flag Fen tomorrow afternoon for a proposed 3 wind turbines to power Anglian Water’s sewage treatment works there.
The One Service in Peterborough is launching a sticker campaign to remind ex-offenders that there is an alternative to crime.
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Peterborough News 14th October 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Thursday 14th October 2010.

Peterborough calls itself Home of Environment Capital and makes an environmental policy pledge.
Cambridgeshire Police leave the central heating off as long as possible to save cash.
Shailesh Vara together with Cllr Holdich and school representatives will meet Govt to argue that planned work on Orton Longueville and Stanground schools should proceed, despite the Building Schools for the Future funding cut.
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Peterborough News 11th October 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Monday 11th October 2010.

The Great Eastern Run on Sunday was marred by the death of two of the competitors.
Perkins have announced they will sponsor the run for five years.
Extra freight trains planned to run through Peakirk add to crossing safety fears in the village.
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John Holdich on Primary School Places

Cllr Holdich tells Andy Gall from the BBC why some schools in Peterborough cannot cope with the number of pupils who will be starting in September. Interview broadcast at 07:18 on Monday 16th August 2010 in the Peterborough Broakfast Show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.
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Peterborough News 16th August 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Monday 16th August 2010.

Cambridgeshire Police have been invited to cut their spending by £9 million by next April. Police officers cannot be made redundant. Staff will be consulted.
There is a shortage of primary school places in Hampton and in the PE1 postcode. Housebuilding and immigration are the two causes.
A dispersal order has been made against street drinkers and rowdies in Manor House Street outside St Theresas Shelter for the homeless.
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