Council dithering behind Peterborough’s traveller issue

08:08 Friday 1st August 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[P]AUL STAINTON: So is Peterborough getting neglected by Cambridgeshire’s police force? Well the city’s MP certainly thinks so. Stewart Jackson told this programme earlier that the Police and Crime Commissioner Sir Graham Bright needs a kick up the backside, and a tougher stance when it comes to dealing with illegal camped travellers. Here are just some of Stewart’s comments.
STEWART JACKSON: I’m sorry. Graham Bright is paid over £90,000 a year. He needs a good kick up the backside. He very rarely comes to Peterborough. In fact he insults Peterborough by appointing what he calls an outreach worker, as if Peterborough’s a sort of special social case. He needs to come to Peterborough a bit more and talk to people that are affected by this issue.
PAUL STAINTON: Well the row started when Stewart Jackson criticised Peterborough City Council for not setting up a site for travellers to use. Now a Cross-Party group has been looking into the possible locations where sites could be erected. But after two years, no locations have been made public as yet, although an announcement could be made in the next few weeks. Stewart Jackson says his constituents don’t want more traveller sites. They just want the travellers evicted and punished. Well the man in charge of policing Peterborough Tony Ixer told me earlier that the police can’t evict travellers until they have somewhere to take them.
TONY IXER: We actually do have a very robust strategy across Cambridgeshire, but it is a fact that it doesn’t cover Peterborough. And the real reason it doesn’t cover Peterborough and hasn’t done for many years is because there are no designated stopping places.
PAUL STAINTON: So in short, nothing can be done in Peterborough until Peterborough City Council sort themselves out. Needless to say, Sir Graham Bright and Peterborough City Council refused to speak to this programme this morning, but we can speak to Independent councillor John Fox. He chaired the Working Group looking at sites for emergency stopping places in the city. The Group’s recommendations will be considered at the next Peterborough City Council Cabinet meeting. John, good morning.
JOHN FOX: Good morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: So it’s your fault that we’re getting these illegal encampments. You’ve been too slow, dragging your feet.
Continue reading “Council dithering behind Peterborough’s traveller issue”

Marco Cereste on Minority Government

08:25 Wednesday 28th May 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

Audio Extract from @BBCCambs

[C]HRIS MANN: So we are discussing the future of Peterborough City Council this morning. It’s after Marco Cereste was re-elected as the Leader of the Tory Group on Peterborough City Council. We understand he told his Conservative colleagues that he would be able to form a majority with the help of three Independent councillors, but it’s not stopped other councillors from voicing their concerns. David Sanders is the Conservative councillor for Eye and Thorney, and believes it’s time for a change in leadership.
DAVID SANDERS: Unfortunately it leaves the Conservatives very vulnerable indeed. I believe that at this stage Marco should consider his position and do the honourable thing and resign, and allow a new leader with new vision, new ideas, new focus and vision, and take the Council and Conservatives forward.
CHRIS MANN: And he isn’t alone. David Harrington leads the Peterborough Independent Forum. He’s also called on Marco to consider his position. The LibDem are thought to prefer changing to a committee system. So what does the future hold for Peterborough City Council and indeed Marco Cereste? Well the man himself joins us now. Marco, good morning.
MARCO CERESTE: Good morning. How are you?
CHRIS MANN: I’m very well thank you. Congratulations on being re-elected first of all by the Tory Group.
CHRIS MANN: How did you convince them you should continue?
Continue reading “Marco Cereste on Minority Government”

Marco Cereste on Neighbourhood Council Allowances

08:13 Tuesday 8th February 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: The decision to scrap extra expenses for the three Chairmen of Peterborough’s Neighbourhood Councils has been passed on to the Independent Renumeration Panel. The idea to cut the allowance came after seven councillors conducted a report into the scheme. Abolishing the extra expenses would save the Council over £20,000 a year. John Fox was one of the seven who was asked to carry out the review. (TAPE)
JOHN FOX: All seven people decided this unanimously. There was no real debate about it. We were all convinced that there was no necessity to pay these. In fact myself and Councillor Goldspink offered to do the job for nothing, therefore saving money. But unfortunately that’s not been taken on. (LIVE)
PAUL STAINTON: Well let’s speak to the Leader of Peterborough City Council, Marco Cereste. Morning Marco.
MARCO CERESTE: Good morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: Now you launched the review, didn’t you, after a number of councillors complained about the scheme. And the review reported back, saying, just scrap the allowance. But you’ve decided to refer it to this panel. Why is that? Continue reading “Marco Cereste on Neighbourhood Council Allowances”

John Fox on Neighbourhood Council Allowances

07:08 Tuesday 8th February 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Now the decision to scrap extra expenses for the three Chairmen of the Neighbourhood Councils has been passed on to the Independent Renumeration Panel. The idea to cut the allowances came after seven councillors conducted a report into the scheme, which was commissioned by Council Leader Marco Cereste. Abolishing the extra expenses would save the Council and us over £21,000 a year. John Fox is one of the seven councillors who was asked to carry out the review. He’s with us this morning. Morning John.
JOHN FOX: Morning. How are you?
PAUL STAINTON: I’m very good. So you were all tasked with carrying out a review. And then your opinion’s not good enough. Continue reading “John Fox on Neighbourhood Council Allowances”

Councillors Donate Free Tickets

Councillors’ plans to share out some buckshee JLS concert tickets have been scuppered after the news leaked out that they intended to award these promotional tickets to themselves, with names drawn from a hat. Most of the winners have come forward and given their tickets to deserving cases. Paul Stainton speaks to two of the councillors who were able to confirm that they had no intention of keeping the tickets in the first place. Broadcast at 08:10 on Wednesday 14th July 2010 in the Peterborough Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.

Councillors’ plans to share out some free JLS concert tickets have been hotly denied after the news leaked out that they intended to award these promotional tickets to themselves, with names drawn from a hat. Most of the winners have come forward and given their tickets to deserving cases. Paul Stainton speaks to two of the councillors who were able to confirm that they had no intention of keeping the tickets in the first place. Broadcast at 08:10 on Wednesday 14th July 2010 in the Peterborough Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.
Continue reading “Councillors Donate Free Tickets”

BBC Peterborough 26th February 2010

Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Ben Stevenson

Topics: Community Leadership Fund cash goes unspent in wards. The health risk associated with energy drinks. Sexualisation of children by media a cause for concern. Local dyslexic woman overcomes her difficulties and wants to help others. Peterborough Festival: big names wanted. Lloyds Bank Group reports losses. Dragon Boats go on display. Local pub offers 3-D TV.

Interviewees: John Fox Peterborough City Cllr. Diane O’Carroll Naked Scientists. Dave King Peterborough Festival. Linda Papodopolis Author. Robert Talbot Royal London Asset Management. Marco Cereste Peterborough City Council Leader. Simon Baker Sports Lounge Pub Landlord. Michelle Douglas Dyslexic. Darren Fox Rugby Player. Kevin Lumb Gildenburgh Printing Company.

Brands Mentioned:  Sports Lounge. Cadburys. Red Bull. Showcase Cinema. Lloyds Banking Group. Royal London Asset Management. Gildenburgh Printing Company. Gable Events.