Supermarketgate – no immediate prospect of a Sainsburys in Whittlesey

10:24 Wednesday 25th November 2015
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: So it’s official this morning. The confirmation has come through. The final site of Peterborough City Council’s big solar park dream scrapped. Councillors have confirmed that plans for America Farm won’t now go ahead, alongside Morris Fen and Newborough which have already bitten the dust. It’s the end of the whole project, which has cost the people of Peterborough over £3 million. In return they’ve got diddly squat. So bad news. And there could be even worse news for people in Whittlesey. Remember two supermarkets fighting over the chance to open a big supermarket in Whittlesey? Well we understand there’s a possibility that the whole Sainsbury’s development, the winners in this struggle, might now be pulled. Let’s speak to John Elworthy. He’s Editor of many Cambridgeshire newspapers. It’s easier to say that John than list them all I think.
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John Elworthy on the future of the BBC

09:21 Tuesday 12th May 2015
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: Would you pay to keep the BBC? Is it worth it? This morning, after the appointment of a new Culture Secretary, there have been fears for the future of the Corporation, mainly in all the newspapers, but we thought it was worth investigating it. David Cameron appointed MP John Whittingdale, who in the past has said the licence fee is out of date and like a poll tax. He’s suggested a subscription style payment scheme would be a better idea. .. John Elworthy is the newspaper editor for a string of papers in Cambridgeshire and the Fens. Morning John.
JOHN ELWORTHY: Good morning Mr Stainton.
PAUL STAINTON: Do we need a huge overhaul?
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John Elworthy in The Modern Newsroom

11:32 Wednesday 12th March 2014
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

[P]AUL STAINTON: On the subject of the internet, which is twenty five years old today, t’interweb, twenty five years old today, this from Robbie, who says “I remember life without it Paul, pre-1989. It was fine. Absolutely fine.” And Brian says, “Thanks to the ‘net, I’m in touch with many friends I was in the RAF with many many years ago. I’ve traced the history of my father, who died in World War Two as well. So it’s incredibly useful.” Of course many professions have changed beyond comprehension because of the internet, this one in particular. Radio, much easier now. It allows people like Steve on the ‘phones to work in the industry. What? Sorry Steve. And others, like myself. No it’s much easier today to find out information than it was when I first joined here, me and Andie Harper first joined here. You had books and things you had to go through and look for contacts, in big thick books. You had to type everything out. People on computers used to type things out. It was remarkable. You used to chop bits of tape with razor blades. Now, these sports boys upstairs, it’s all digital. It’s done in a flash. It used to take all day to take a clip out of tape. Then you’d stick it back together and find out you took the wrong bit. And you’d lost the bit of tape on the floor somewhere. Another man who remembers it back in the day of course, John Elworthy. He is the Editor of the Cambridgeshire Times, Wisbech Standard, Ely Standard. He’s bought the t-shirt, been a journalist since my dad was a little boy. Morning John.
JOHN ELWORTHY: Morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: Different back in the day, wasn’t it?
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