Back from Brussels, Marco Cereste, Leader of Peterborough City Council, welcomes new developments in the Station Quarter area of Peterborough and goes on to celebrate his successes so far.
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Tag: ING Retail
ING and the Station Quarter
Andy Burrows talks to a man from ING Retail, who are considering coming in to build on the old Royal Mail Sorting Office, near the railway station.
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The Green Pretender
Here is an interesting article from three years ago that describes many of the development plans that Peterborough is still talking about today. It is a good roundup of the story so far. One or two of the voices have changed, but the song remains the same. Here they posit a supermarket on a site adjacent to the railway station.
“The 40,000 sq ft shop unit will be let to a food retailer that leads the way with its environmental agenda. Energy from the foodstore will heat the offices above.”