Kings Lynn Incinerator – Option To Cancel

17:18 Tuesday 4th June 2013
Drive BBC Radio Norfolk

MATTHEW GUDGIN: Let’s hear from County Hall today. The controversial contract for a waste incinerator in Kings Lynn has come under renewed criticism today. Councillors on the Cabinet Scrutiny Committee said they still haven’t had a reliable report on how much it would cost to get out of the contract. They’ve called for an independent report outlining both the costs and the savings which would be made if the County Council cancelled the contract with Anglo-American consortium Cory Wheelabrator. Well our West Norfolk producer Jill Bennett was at the meeting at County Hall today, and is with us in the studio. Jill, why were members of the Committee not happy with the estimates that hed been given by their own officers? Continue reading “Kings Lynn Incinerator – Option To Cancel”

Fiona Radic Green Party on Peterborough Council’s Incinerator Plans

07:10 Wednesday 27th June 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

FIONA RADIC: Landfill tax is a problem. However, that doesn’t take into account that we still have to dispose of what’s left, because there’s a residue left after incineration. There are two residues. One is bottom ash, which is what comes out of the bottom of the incinerator process. That goes to landfill. There is some notion that it can be used in roads, but apparently that’s not actually ever been done, outside the boundaries of landfill sites. The other much nastier is fly ash, which comes from inside the stack. And we don’t know what would be done with that, although we understand there are various chemical processes. It can be combined with cement working, and so on. But basically we don’t know what the plans are for those. And we also can’t quantify how much. So when they say it eliminates landfill, that can’t possibly be true, because we need to work out what’s left after incineration.
Friends of the Earth has very pessimistic forecasts for the amount of energy this particular plant, or a plant of this type, can actually produce. But much more importantly, in the plans there is no energy delivery infrastructure. Now in Scandinavia, where they do have a record of moving warm or hot water into people’s homes, or facilities like swimming pools, there’s a very very very very high tech grid, which has to be put in. And there’s no indication that the Council has got that grid, or even thought about it at the moment.


Miasma and Media Lockdown

The Leader of Peterborough City Council, Marco Cereste,  is the owner of a private company, PREL, that wants to build a modern version of an incinerator in the city.

Meanwhile, Peterborough City Council is in negotiation to build another publicly owned incinerator, alongside the PREL version, using older technology.

What might be the advantage or disadvantage to PREL of having two incinerators side by side?

(Peterborough City Council is currently unavailable for comment.)

Peterborough Government Funding Cut: Nick Sandford Libdem Comments

Peterborough City Council is to have its grant from central government cut by £3 million pounds in this financial year. Councillor Sandford from the LibDems tells the BBC’s Paul Stainton where he thinks the cuts should fall. Broadcast at 08:34 on Friday 11th June 2010 in the Peterborough Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.
Continue reading “Peterborough Government Funding Cut: Nick Sandford Libdem Comments”


Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Steve Titman

Topics: Council budget. Bus Cuts. Local youth football team raise cash for Algarve trip. Promo: BBC programme about immigrants and gangmasters in Wisbech. Peterborough Cathedral Choir live on BBC radio 3. Waste plant locals offered sweeteners. NHS Peterborough communication issues. Natural cures for shingles and eczema.

Interviewees: Steven Goldspink Peterborough City Cllr. Salamao Silva Gunthorpe Harriers. Evan Davis Dragons Den. Tom Trevarthen Peterborough Youth Council. Paul Phillipson Peterborough City Council. Andrew Reid Director of Music Peterborough Cathedral Choir. David Seaton Peterborough City Cllr. Dan Rogerson LibDem MP. Jackie Hanratty NHS Peterborough. Michael Van Straten Health Guru.

Brands Mentioned:  PREL. Stella. Playstation.

BBC Peterborough 18th January 2010

A summary of the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show with Andy Gall from BBC Radio Peterborough broadcast Monday 18th January 2010.

A summary of the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show with Andy Gall from BBC Radio Peterborough broadcast Monday 18th January 2010.

Peterborough City Council has purchased the Peterborough United FC football stadium.
Liberal Democrats assert that Council has lost £2 million in bad Icelandic investments.
Council Leader outlines his plans for the South Bank of the River Nene.
CENTRE FOR CITIES annual review shows Peterborough locals worse off than others in the recession.
Peterborough submits ten objects towards a collection of man-made historical items for a project called The History of the World.

John Harrison Peterborough City Council.
Peter Lloyd Chairman PUFC Supporters Trust.
Marco Cereste Leader Peterborough City Council.
Darren Fower Peterborough LibDems.
Peter Davidson JobCentrePlus.
Kate Collino Fitzwilliam Museum.

Companies Mentioned:
Centre for Cities.
