SPICE project – weather modification for global temperature control

07:50 Thursday 8th January 2015
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

DOTTY MCLEOD: All this week on the Breakfast Show we have been casting our minds back to 1989 and ‘Back to the Future 2’, which showed us a fictional 2015, the very year that we have arrived at now. In that year in the film you might remember the American weather service actually controlled and scheduled the weather. We’ve not quite reached that point in 2015 in the real world, just like many of the other inventions anticipated in the film. But could it one day be achieved? Well there is a research project called SPICE, which stands for Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering. It’s investigating whether releasing micro-particles into the atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays could reduce the earth’s temperature and rewind global warming. Dr Hugh Hunt is the Lecturer in the Department of Engineering at Cambridge University who is working on the SPICE project. Hugh, this sounds quite high-tech. Explain how it actually works.
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