BBC Peterborough March 19th 2010

The BBC Radio Peterborough Paul Stainton’s Breakfast Show summary for Friday 19th March 2010

The BBC Radio Peterborough Paul Stainton’s Breakfast Show summary for Friday 19th March 2010

Freemans have asked Peterborough City Council to accept three million pounds in settlement of the outstanding lease on their empty factory.
The Shire Horse Show starts tomorrow at the East of England Showground in Peterborough.
The old Fifth Avenue nightclub building is up for sale at £1.5 million through Budworth Hardcastle.
Sport Relief Weekend begins in a variety of ways at the Queensgate Centre.
A Spring Equinox Party is being held at 19:00 at the Brewery Tap tonight.
Two locals have been charged following the sudden death of a Bretton man.
Six social workers have been sacked at Birmingham City Council after a critical Ofsted report.
The National Audit Office predicts further disruption to the student loan system this year.
PUFC fans are walking steadily towards the Nottingham Forest ground in aid of the Free Kicks Foundation.
BA is in talks with UNITE to avert the threatened three day cabin crew strike.
Augean will appeal against the decision to prevent them dumping radioactive waste in Kingscliffe.

Andrew Edwards Head of Strategic Property Peterborough City Council.
Elspeth Ross Shirehorse Centre Sacrewell Farm.
Daniel Broccoli Britaly Travel.
Rowen Squibb Growborough.
Kelly Mills and Luke Payne Spring Equinox Organisers.
Colin Parnell Federation of Small Businesses.
Steve Thorpe Free Kicks Foundation.
Stacey Rice Miss Peterborough Contestant.
Scott Beasley Ferry Meadows Charity Race Organiser.
Mark Kerr and Mike Fears Peterborough Saxons Football Team.

Companies mentioned:
Student Loans Company.
Budworth Hardcastle.
Queensgate Centre.
Otto UK.
East of England Showground.
Britaly Travel.

Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Steve Titman
Sport: Alex Harris
News: Susie Roberts
Travel: Justin Peterson
Weather: Steve Weston
Phones: Kerry Devine

Interview with Rowen Squibb March 10th 2010

An interview with Rowen Sqibb from Growborough on Paul Stainton’s Peterborough Breakfast Show – talking about vibrancy, Opportunity Peterborough and the night-time economy in Peterborough city centre.

Interview with Rowen Squibb from Growborough – 10th March 2010 08:40 am on Paul Stainton’s Peterborough Breakfast Show.

Paul: On yesterday’s show we revealed that Opportunity Peterborough had appointed a Head of City Vibrancy. You may remember we mentioned it once or twice. Now the organisation is currently being restructured, with all regeneration portfolios returning to the council. Steve Bowyer has took on the vibrancy role. He is the vibrant one. And he told us what the title actually means.
STEVE BOWYER TAPE: Vitality, if you like, would be another word. Actually a place where people want to come, and enjoy. Where businesses most importantly want to come and invest. Where it is a place of commercial interest, cultural interest, leisure interest etcetera. So a vibrant city is one where people want to be, whether they be individuals, people who live there, whether they be tourists, whether they be visitors, whether they be commercial companies, businesses, cultural organisations etcetera.
Paul: Well Darren Fower is Head of Peterborough Liberal Democrats. He was critical of Opportunity Peterborough’s project.
DARREN FOWER TAPE: I think questions need to be asked. And I will look forward to seeing what the people of Peterborough say, but from our point of view as the Liberal Democrat group on the city council, we’ll certainly keep an eye on them, as we have done for several years now. And if we find anything of interest, we’ll make sure that you find out first.
Paul: Well another organisation who are keen to raise the profile and awareness of Peterborough and add a bit of vitality and vibrancy to the city centre are Growborough. Rowen Squibb is looking to the heavens as I speak. He’s from the group. Good Morning.
Rowen: Good morning to you. How are you?
Paul: Are you vibrant?
Rowen: Well, it’s Wednesday morning isn’t it? Yes, I’ve been more vibrant.
Paul: It’s been pointed out to me this morning that it is 2010 as well. I was slightly wrong with the year earlier on, but, um, what do you make of this role of Head of City Vibrancy?
Continue reading “Interview with Rowen Squibb March 10th 2010”

BBC Peterborough March 11th 2010

BBC Radio Peterborough news for Thursday 11th March 2010

Peterborough is named by the Sunday Times as one of 12 areas said to be beating the recession.
Google Street View is switched on in Peterborough.
Local Conservative councillor is mystified by his deselection but suspects faction fighting.
WHICH says that hospital car parks are unhelpful and stressful for outpatients and visitors alike.
British Transport Police attend level crossings to remind drivers of their responsibilities.
Kidney Research UK will be in Barclays Bank today offering free blood pressure checks.
Waterstones recommend books for Mothers Day.
Police come under fire for failings in their handling of anti-social behaviour.
There will be no charges laid in the case of a bus crash which killed a local fruit-picker on a day trip to Alton Towers.
Growborough tentatively support the idea of a casino for Peterborough.
BA cabin crew union UNITE contemplate strike action over staff cuts.
Local schools participate in news bulletins on the show as part of the BBC Schools Report NewsDay.
Council Leader pledges that Cathedral Square works will be completed by June.
Council Leader hints at council mortgages to come.

John Bridge CE Peterborough Chamber of Commerce annd Chair of Opportunity Peterborough.
Colin Parnell Chair of the Peterborough Federation of Small Businesses.
Laura Scott Google.
Charles Day Peterborough City Cllr.
Claire Lilley Senior Policy Adviser WHICH.
Marco Cereste Leader Peterborough City Council
Sgt Mark Bowen British Transport Police.
Candice Lott Media Teacher Bushfield Academy.
Pete Revell Kidney Research UK.
Katie Allen Teacher Thomas Deacon Academy.
Anna Elmore Waterstones Bookshop.

Companies mentioned: Decker Bus Company. Fengate Electrical. Google. Barclays Bank. Waterstones.


Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Steve Titman
Sport: Peter Swann
News: Susie Roberts
Travel: Justin Peterson
Weather: Steve Weston

BBC Peterborough March 10th 2010

BBC Radio Peterborough news for Wednesday 10th March 2010

Topics: Voyager School applies to become a Co-Operative Trust, aiming to partner with businesses and with other schools. Peterborough United FC win a match. Network Rail think level-crossing safety should be included in the driving test. Peterborough City Council fills 5000 potholes at a reasonable cost per hole thanks to their partnership with Ringway. Today is National No Smoking Day. RAF Wittering perform a Crash and Disaster exercise. Nuclear waste dumping at Kingscliffe: campaigners vow to fight on. Northern Rock’s results out today show a reduction in losses from £1.4 billion to £257 million. Growborough offer their opinion on Opportunity Peterborough, and present their own ideas for regenerating city centre nightlife. Extreme swimmer from Haddon seeks sponsorship for his charity Atlantic swim. Cambridgeshire County Council blame BAM Nuttall for delays to their guided busway scheme. UK Card Association reports a drop in credit and debit card fraud. Flag Fen has been saved by volunteers. Scientists use new DNA technology to discover how the giant elephant bird of Madagascar became extinct. Local newsreader has multiple minor niggles with her KIA car.

Interviewees: Hugh Howe CBE Headteacher Voyager School. Martin Gallagher Head of Community Safety Network Rail. Andy Tatt Peterborough City Council. Serena Singh NHS Peterborough Stop Smoking Team. Group Captain Richard Knighton RAF Wittering Station Commander. John Holdich Peterborough City Cllr. Rowen Squibb Growborough. Dan Martin Extreme Swimmer.

Brands Mentioned:  Network Rail. BAM Nuttall. UK Card Association. KIA. Ringway. Tesco. Bank of China. National Australia Bank. Virgin Money. IKEA.


Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Steve Titman
Sport: Nick Fairburn
News: Samantha Dalton
Travel: Justin Peterson
Weather: John Gray
Phones: Kerry Devine


Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Steve Titman

Topics: Primark scotch rumours that they will be occupying the old Woolworths building in Peterborough. Local services struggle due to massive immigration. Roadshow on healthy living targets childhood obesity. Local Labour PPC is getting ready for a March election. Dimmable street lamps a grand idea. Children don’t get enough sleep, according to the Sleep Council. Half-term attractions at the Peterborough Museum.

Interviewees: John Bridge Opportunity Peterborough. Adrian Chapman Neighbourhood Services Peterborough City Council. Martin Medlock Peterborough City Council. Nyree Ambarchian PECT. Janine Starling PECT. Jean Hughes Obesity Dietician Peterborough NHS. Jessica Alexander Sleep Council. Rowan Squibb Growborough. Charles Swift Peterborough City Cllr. Ed Murphy Labour PPC. Stewart Orme Peterborough Museum.

Companies Mentioned:  Primark. Opportunity Peterborough.


Presenter: Paul Stainton

Topics:  Immigration a strain on services. New police chief sets out his stall. Growborough promote Peterborough and question city centre policy.

Interviewees: Peterborough Cllr Charles Swift. Police Paul Phillipson.  Carlos Dominguez Peterborough Soup Kitchen. Rowan Squibb Growborough.

Companies Mentioned: Crightons, Growborough. Opportunity Peterborough. Liquid.

BBC Peterborough January 5th 2010

A summary of the BBC Radio Peterborough Paul Stainton Breakfast Show broadcast on Tuesday 5th January 2010.

A summary of the BBC Radio Peterborough Paul Stainton Breakfast Show broadcast on Tuesday 5th January 2010.

Snow in Peterborough: a local coach driver spells out the risks.
Department of Work and Pensions confirm that eligible households will get extra cold weather payments.
Government calls for an increase in domestic food production.
The Conservatives promise to create an ombudsman to look at supermarkets if they are elected.
The Conservatives pledge their support for the institution of marriage.
The Liberal Democrats deny plans to form part of a coalition government after the election.
Peterborough Greyhound Stadium donates 100 unused turkey dinners to St Theresa’s Shelter.
A local plumber explains the details of the Government boiler scrappage scheme.
A local independent city promotional group advocates developing better overseas links.
Council reports plenty of grit as reports come in of householders trapped indoors and mail delays.
Xmas trading results come in from the high street multiples.
Norfolk Police offer training to mobility scooter riders after a spate of accidents.

Chris Sandcaster Ace Plumbing and Heating.
Andy Barham Peterborough Greyhound Stadium.
Rowen Squibb Growborough.
Tony Armstrong Live-In Streets Charity.
Andy Tatt Peterborough City Council.
Doug Stiles St Theresa’s Homeless Charity.

Companies Mentioned:
Whippet Coaches.
North Face.
ACE Plumbing and Heating.
Santa Monica Development Corporation.
Hong Kong Society.
Opportunity Peterborough.
John Lewis.
Marks & Spencer
