Peterborough – Accessible and Affordable

08:08 Monday 18th June 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: This city has been described as one of the best destinations to live outside of London. For years now people from the Big Smoke have been coming here of course. Many remember the Peterborough Effect, and those great adverts from the Peterborough Development Corporation and Roy Kinnear dressed as a Roman centurion. Well now it seems that more people can be set to make the trip from London to settle here. Earlier Catherine Penman from Carter Jonas explained why our fair city was such a good place for Londoners to come to. (TAPE)
CATHERINE PENMAN: I think Peterborough is an extremely convenient commuter location. Short journey times, the second shortest of all of the various towns and cities that we included in our survey. And also, most importantly I think, house prices are relatively affordable, compared to most other commuter towns around the UK. (LIVE)
PAUL STAINTON: We also spoke to Tina Bramhill, from the 40 Years On project in Peterborough, and she told us what the city was like before the Peterborough Development Corporation campaign in the ’70s. (TAPE)
TINA BRAMHILL: It was really considered a small market town, even though we were a city. It expanded massively. It went from around 80,000 to nearly 140,000 people. But they did expand other things alongside that. They brought in sports facilities, more schools. They had to do everything alongside that to support everybody coming in. (LIVE)
PAUL STAINTON: Well how would we cope, if more people came to live in our fair city at the moment, if we had some sort of influx? Rowen Squibb is from Growborough, an independent group trying to attract private business to Peterborough, and Steve Bowyer is the Head of Economic Development of course at Opportunity Peterborough. Morning gents. Rowen, first of all, can we cope? Have we got the facilities? Have we got the houses? Have we got the infrastructure? Continue reading “Peterborough – Accessible and Affordable”

Rowen Squibb on Peterborough and the Portas Report

CHRIS MANN: What do you feel should be done would help particularly bring businesses and shoppers to Peterborough:
ROWEN SQUIBB: Well, going back to the market point, it would be sensible now I think for Peterborough Market to move out of what is our Laxton Square business district, and move on to what we know in Peterborough as the North Westgate site. Continue reading “Rowen Squibb on Peterborough and the Portas Report”

The Future of Peterborough

08:06 Wednesday 27th April 2011
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

PAUL STAINTON: A bit of a spat has broken out. Not-for-profit organisation Growborough is being criticised for treading on the toes of another organisation, by launching an advertising campaign to attract new businesses to Peterborough. Publicly funded economic development company Opportunity Peterborough, you may have heard them on the show yesterday, launched a similar strategy in London just a few months ago. We talked about it having the name tag on taxis and billboards and everything else. Well Rowen Squibb is from Growborough. Morning Rowen.
ROWEN SQUIBB: Morning Paul.
PAUL STAINTON: What is going on here? We have Opportunity Peterborough, who up until probably I would say a year ago we were some of their fiercest critics. They didn’t really do the job properly, according to lots and lots of people. Nothing really got delivered. But they appear to be doing the job now. They appear to be doing what they said on the tin. Continue reading “The Future of Peterborough”

Peterborough News 25th November 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Thursday 25th November 2010.

The saga of the Cathedral Square renovations: the project is now a year behind schedule. A Council spokesman predicts that the site will be usable by the second week in January, but a Yaxley caller with a lifetime’s experience in the construction industry reports that large parts of the paving present trip hazards and water drainage issues, and will need to be dug up and re-laid, which could take many months.
A new plan has been agreed for the Thurston House site in Lincoln Road. Accent Nene wanted to demolish the historic property, but following a public campaign the new plan will include less houses, and a four flat conversion for the house itself, retaining the facade and a view of the property from Lincoln Road.
A Cowgate hairdresser is concerned that his trade will suffer when the city hosts a political demonstration on a Saturday in December. Council say they have plans to mitigate this, and to make that following Sunday a more attractive day for visitors to shop.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 25th November 2010”

Peterborough News 26th October 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Tuesday 26th October 2010.

Despite residents’ letters to the Vatican, the owners of St Anthonys Church Fletton, the Scalabrini Fathers, refuse to confirm or deny the sale of the church, which was suddenly closed as unsafe to use.
Cross Keys Homes are running a series of workshops aimed at incentivising people to find employment.
Growborough demand gainful quality employment for Peterborough school leavers and say more should be done on the green technology front.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 26th October 2010”

Peterborough News 18th October 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 06:00 to 09:00 on Monday 18th October 2010.

Despite Council promises, work on St Johns Square looks likely to disrupt Christmas trading for a second year running. Council say any refund as penalty obtained from contractor Osborne will go into Council coffers.
375 jobs are at risk at salad packers Bakkavor in Bourne, and pay and terms for the remaining 725 are likely to worsen. Company blames trading conditions.
Government suggests converting disused farm buildings for social housing. CPRE says newbuild is always cheaper.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 18th October 2010”

Stewart Jackson and Growborough on Peterborough’s Image

As part of the ongoing debate surrounding recent negative publicity about Peterborough in the national press, Stewart Jackson MP and Rowen Squibb from Growborough talk to the BBC’s Andy Gall about what they feel needs to be done to improve the situation. Continue reading “Stewart Jackson and Growborough on Peterborough’s Image”

Peterborough News 23rd August 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Monday 23rd August 2010.

Following recent unfavourable publicity, a general consensus is emerging that Peterborough needs to find the funding to make an energetic effort to improve its image, and emphasise the good points about the city that would attract the right sort of interest from investors, companies and individuals.
The Italian community held a protest yesterday against the sudden closure of their Fletton church. They question the stated reasons for ending worship on the site.
A Fleet Hargate couple defend their right to a costly medical procedure that enabled them to lose a combined total of 20 stone in weight.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 23rd August 2010”