Peterborough News 20th September 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Monday 20th September 2010.

The cause of a flat fire over an empty pub in Lincoln Road remains a mystery. 6 were rescued.
More no-alcohol zones could be created at various sites outside the city centre. A city-wide public drinking ban is apparently not allowed in law.
The Future Jobs Fund is claiming success in getting people into permanent work with a 50% plus success rate.
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Peterborough News 8th September 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Wednesday 8th September 2010.

NHS Peterborough’s new Chief Executive is struggling to find the cuts necessary to balance the books and pay off the deficit left to them from the previous management. Waiting lists could rise as a result of targets being scrapped.
Peterborough City Council wants to install a new slogan “Home of Environment Capital” as part of its ongoing branding exercise for the city. They deny paying a consultancy for this slogan. Their previous offering “The Future is You” came in at £70,000.
Stewart Jackson MP is one of the people chosen to meet the Pope when he visits House of Commons on September 17th 2010.
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Peterborough News 2nd August 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Monday 2nd August 2010.

Figures from the Department for Energy and Climate Change indicate that Peterborough’s carbon footprint is down near the bottom of the league tables and that Peterborough is falling behind other authorities in its energy efficiency performance.
The Government has invested another £1.5 million in Phase Two of the Future Jobs Fund for Peterborough, delivering a further 238 6-month contracts for employees.
Peterborough’s Back to Business Club run by the Greater Peterborough Partnership has helped its 50th client back into work after redundancy.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 2nd August 2010”

Stewart Jackson on Life After EEDA

Stewart Jackson MP comments on the imminent demise of the East of England Development Agency and how we can expect their functions to be reallocated without detriment to the future of the region. Broadcast at 07:25 on Wednesday 30th June 2010 in the Peterborough Breakfast Show hosted by Paul Stainton on BBC Radio Peterborough.
Continue reading “Stewart Jackson on Life After EEDA”

Peterborough News 25th June 2010

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Friday 25th June 2010. News travel weather and interviews.

A summary of the Peterborough Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire broadcast from 07:00 to 09:00 on Friday 25th June 2010. News travel weather and interviews.

Cambridgeshire Police expect to lose £1.2 million from their budget but hope to avoid job losses.
28% of primary and 21% of secondary school pupils in Peterborough have English as a second language.
Cresset Theatre moves to a room-hire only arrangement from this weekend.
Continue reading “Peterborough News 25th June 2010”

BBC Peterborough March 18th 2010

BBC Radio Peterborough Breakfast Show summary for Thursday 18th March 2010

BBC Radio Peterborough Breakfast Show summary for Thursday 18th March 2010

300 jobs have been saved after plans to close the Peterborough Land Registry were shelved.
Four hospital wards in Peterborough are closed due to an outbreak of the winter vomiting virus.
Local JobSeeker claimant numbers rise but Peterborough wins £1.5 million for job creation.
Three quarters of UK Universities face budget cuts.
Cornish sea shanty singers sign for Lady GaGa’s record label.
Forest manager says ex-PUFC player George Boyd needs fitness and has a lot to learn.
Local PUFC fans walk to Nottingham via pubs for Free Kicks Foundation charity.
Rare birds spotted locally.
Waterstones recommend best books to buy.

Stewart Jackson MP.
Chris Wilkinson Director of Nursing NHS Peterborough.
Richard Astle Greater Peterborough Partnership.
Malcolm Dawson HR Director Land Registry.
Victoria Dyke Public and Commercial Services Union.
Dr Alastair Hunter University and College Union.
Mike Weedon Birdwatching Magazine.
John Warren Falmouth Shout Shanty Singers.
Dave Murray Chair Peterborough Campaign for Real Ale.
Nilesh Patel PUFC fan and Charity Walker.
Anna Elmore Waterstones.

Companies mentioned:
Norwich and Peterborough Building Society.
Perkins Engines.
Cross Keys Homes.

Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Steve Titman
Sport: John Symes
News: Susie Roberts
Travel: Justin Peterson
Weather: John Gray
Phones: Kerry Devine


Presenter: Paul Stainton

Topics:  Travellers sites for Farcet & Eye. Shoplifting statistics. Peterborough mosque fundraiser for Haiti earthquake victims. Disabled basketball player gets Papworth Trust grant. Compensation culture affects insurance premiums. Great Northern Hotel hosts a “Get a better job day”

Interviewees: Andy Short Eye Parish Councillor.  Matt Newman Police. Stewart Hamilton Peterborough City Council CCTV. Lee Manning Athlete. Barry Hyland Farcet resident. Victoria Clark GetaBetterJobDay.

Companies Mentioned: AA, IKEA, Opportunity Peterborough. Coca-Cola Enterprises. HomeCare Solutions. One Group. Anne Corder Recruitment. BrookDale Care. Back to business Club. Coloplast. VFM Services. Sureterm Insurance.