17:55 Thursday 19th April 2012
Drive BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
NICK FAIRBAIRN: Yesterday our Peterborough Breakfast team caught up with a group of Posh fans who are driving 939 miles to all of the Scottish football league clubs in just two days. Why, you ask. Well to raise money for the Peterborough charity the Free Kicks Foundation. And one of those intrepid travellers is on the line now. Chris Dowsett’s with us. Hi Chris.
NICK FAIRBAIRN: Chris, wher are you at the moment?
CHRIS DOWSETT: We have just left Aberdeen, and we are on our way to Peterhead, which is about 30 miles.
NICK FAIRBAIRN: A long old way. Are you on schedule? How are you looking? Continue reading “Free Kicks In Scotland”