Socialists in Peterborough

08:20 Thursday 26th April 2012
Peterborough Breakfast Show
BBC Radio Cambridge

PAUL STAINTON: The local elections just a week away, and we’ve been talking to the various parties who have people standing in Peterborough. We’ve already heard from the Conservatives, the LibDems, Labour, UKIP. Earlier we had Fiona Radic of the Green Party on, suggesting a 20mph speed limit across the city. And there are also two socialist party candidates standing this time around.Stephen Woodbridge is one of them, and I spoke to him earlier. Continue reading “Socialists in Peterborough”

BBC Peterborough April 27th 2010

A summary of the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Peterborough broadcast Tuesday 27th 2010. News travel weather and interviews.

A summary of the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Peterborough broadcast Tuesday 27th 2010. News travel weather and interviews.

The new Culture and Leisure Trust for Peterborough has been named “Vivacity”.
Today’s election campaign theme is health and families.
The Scottish National Party makes a legal bid to feature on the final televised election debate.
The National Union of Students report that many election candidates oppose tuition fee increases.
A Peterborian admits attempting to torch a Sunderland mosque, and is sectioned.
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is causing some environmental concern.
Stamford Corn Exchange offers to host acts affected by the closure of the Cresset Theatre.
Boxer Mike Tyson is coming to the Exec Peterborough on July 15th 2010.
Two more local election candidates comment on immigration.

Peterborough Culture and Leisure Trust Chief Executive Kevin Tighe.
Judith Mackie Stamford Corn Exchange.
Frances Fox UKIP Candidate.
Fiona Radic Green Party Candidate.
Michael van Straten Health Guru.
Peterborough Culture and Leisure Trust Chair Shelagh Smith.
Jonathan Martin YMCA Owners of Cresset Theatre.
Stuart Howe Boxing Promoter.

Smackdown Gym.

Guest Presenter: Andy Gall
Producer: Ben Stevenson
Sport: Chris Osborne
News: Suzi Roberts
Travel: Justin Peterson
Weather: Steve Weston
Phones: Kerry Devine


The Big Election Debate

A one hour debate between the three main candidates for the Peterborough seat in the 2010 general Election. Broadcast at 09:00 on Tuesday 20th April 2010 in the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Peterborough.

A one hour debate between the three main candidates for the Peterborough seat in the 2010 General Election. Broadcast at 09:00 on Tuesday 20th April 2010 in the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Peterborough.

STAINTON: Good morning. It’s nine o’clock. Welcome to a specially extended Peterborough Breakfast Show, the big election debate for Peterborough between now and ten for the Peterborough Parliamentary seat, between the three main parties. For Conservatives Stewart Jackson, Ed Murphy for Labour, and also Nick Sandford for the Liberal Democrats. Good morning gentlemen. How are you? Are you alright?
ALL: Good morning.
STAINTON: We’ll start with Stewart, the former Peterborough MP, of course, no longer. He’s got to bid for it again. Stewart MP for Peterborough since two thousand and five, winning with a majority of two thousand seven hundred and forty votes, a former Lloyds Bank manager before becoming an MP. Worked with Business Link in London, also a councillor in Ealing for eight years. Stewart is currently Chairman of the All England Party Group on Pakistan. He was appointed as the Shadow Minister for Communities and Local Government, and had front bench responsibility. In his spare time he enjoys reading biographies, travel, architecture, history, swimming and bungee jumping. He’s married to Sarah, and has a daughter Isabel. Good morning Stewart Jackson.
JACKSON: Good morning Paul.
STAINTON: You’ve got your chance to sell yourself for a minute to the electorate. They’re listening. Continue reading “The Big Election Debate”

Nick Sandford LibDem Parliamentary Candidate

An interview with Nick Sandford LibDem Party Candidate for Peterborough broadcast on 14th April 2010 at 07:35 in the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Peterborough.

An interview with Nick Sandford LibDem Party Candidate for Peterborough broadcast on 14th April 2010 at 07:35 in the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Peterborough.

STAINTON: Susie Roberts out yesterday in the Bretton Centre recording a few questions for this big debate which we’ve got on the 20th April. It’s between nine and ten in the morning, an especially extended Peterborough Breakfast Show, and we’ll have the three main Parliamentary candidates in Peterborough on. For the LibDems it’s Nick Sandford who’s with us this morning.
SANDFORD: Good morning Paul.
STAINTON: Ed Murphy for Labour will be on that, and Stewart Jackson for Conservative will be on there. The reason Nick’s here is because the LibDems set out their stall today. Their election manifesto will be launched. With talk of a hung parliament of course, even more focus on the LibDems. their leader Nick Clegg says this vote isn’t a two-horse race. (TAPE)
CLEGG: This is a choice now between the old politics of the two old parties, and something new, something different which the Liberal Democrats offer. It’s not a two-horse race between the two old parties Labour and the Conservatives. People have got a real choice this time, and I think that’s why this election is wide-open. All bets are off. (LIVE)
STAINTON: Well, Nick, you’ve got some interesting policies, fair tax, a fresh start for children, a greener economy, clean up politics in Peterborough, and seven hundred pounds in everybody’s pockets. Thank you very much. Cough it up. Continue reading “Nick Sandford LibDem Parliamentary Candidate”

Frances Fox UKIP Party Candidate

An interview with Frances Fox UK Independence Party Candidate for Peterborough together with her election agent Alan Aldridge broadcast on 13th April 2010 at 07:40 in the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Peterborough.

An interview with Frances Fox UK Independence Party Candidate for Peterborough together with her election agent Alan Aldridge broadcast on 13th April 2010 at 07:40 in the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Peterborough.

STAINTON: Keep them coming please, relevant tunes that can stir this election campaign, that we can give to the political parties to enlighten their electioneering, to lift up their politics and manifestos, tunes that will make us vote for them. UKIP have never looked the happiest bunch, let’s be honest. But members of the party in Peterborough have taken to wearing black for their election campaigns. So we’ve come up with a relevant tune for them. (MUSIC: FUNERAL MARCH). Well it’s either that or this. (MUSIC: MEN IN BLACK). Guys, which do you prefer, Men in Black or the Death March?
FOX: The tune is Land of Hope and Glory. Continue reading “Frances Fox UKIP Party Candidate”

BBC Peterborough April 13th 2010

A summary of the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Peterborough broadcast Tuesday 13th April 2010.

A summary of the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show from BBC Radio Peterborough broadcast Tuesday 13th April 2010.

Eye villagers turned out in force to object to more housebuilding in the village.
The Conservative Party election manifesto will be announced today.
UKIP and Plaid Cymru will release their manifestos today.
Alder Hey Hospital express concern at avoidable health problems which affect young people.
Cambridgeshire Police criticised for issuing self-evident truths as news.
140 MPs will stand down at this election.
Peterborough Museum has a few tickets available for tonight’s penultimate Candlelit Ghost Walk.

Karen Lawrence Eye Villager.
Dale McKean Eye Village Meeting Organiser.
Alan Aldridge UKIP Agent.
Frances Fox UKIP Parliamentary Candidate.
Michael van Straten Health Guru.
Shailesh Vara North West Cambridgeshire Conservative Parliamentary Candidate.
Michael Holmes Chair Eye Parish Council.
Stewart Orme Peterborough Museum.

Companies mentioned:
Eye Garden Centre.

Presenter: Paul Stainton
Producer: Steve Titman
Sport: Steve Fakes
News: Suzi Roberts
Travel: Justin Peterson
Weather: John Gray
Phones: Kerry Devine

BBC Peterborough Election Coverage 2010

How the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire handles the upcoming 2010 elections.

How the Paul Stainton Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire handles the upcoming 2010 elections, with particular reference to the Peterborough city constituency and its party spokespersons.

Frances Fox UKIP
Stewart Jackson Conservative
Rob King English Democrats
Ed Murphy Labour
Fiona Radic Green Party
Nick Sandford Libdem
(Dave Strickson BNP – disbarred)
John Swallow Independent

Week One:

Top Election Stories:
The Electoral Reform Society says that the result of the upcoming General Election is a  foregone conclusion and that the Conservatives will win the seat.
Continue reading “BBC Peterborough Election Coverage 2010”